The Department of Physiology/SCRC Candidate Lectures
Speaker: Dr. Eftekhar Eftekharpour Senior Research Associate Spinal Cord Research Centre Department of Physiology University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba
Research Lecture Monday, June 20
"Neuroprotective Approaches for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury"
Monday, June 20, 2011 at 11:00AM Theatre B, 2nd Floor, Basic Medical Sciences Bldg 745 Bannatyne Avenue Everyone welcome
Teaching Lecture Tuesday, June 21
"Glial Component of the CNS Neural Network"
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 10:00AM Biochemistry Conference Room 341, BMSB 745 Bannatyne Avenue Everyone welcome Students encouraged to attend
Posters attached.
For more information contact: Dr. David McCrea Director: Spinal Cord Research Centre Phone: 789-3770 E-mail: dave@scrc.umanitoba.ca
Spinal Cord Research Centre University of Manitoba Department of Physiology 745 Bannatyne Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3E 0J9 Tel: (204)789-3770 Fax: (204)789-3930 dave@scrc.umanitoba.ca