Dear All,
As you know, a major Manitoba Neuroscience Network project is underway to bring Manitoba neuroscientists with diverse departmental and institutional affiliations together under a virtual institute umbrella. The objective is to create a unified representation of expertise, quality and opportunity in neuroscience research here. A comprehensive MNN website is under construction. Along with the website, a new visual identity has been created to begin to cultivate a unified and consistent perception of our people and research. We are ready to start rolling-out the new identity. Here are a few things to know:
* The Winnipeg Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience will continue to operate as a local SFN Chapter with full rights and responsibilities. However, the Chapter will now be named, "Manitoba Neuroscience Network." This organizational simplification will allow full incorporation of all networking and outreach elements, including current WCSN website content, into the new presentation. A special thank you to Gilles Detillieux for maintaining the current website so consistently over the years, and for agreeing to help with content for the new site. Once ready, the new website will be at www.manitobaneuroscience.cahttp://www.manitobaneuroscience.ca.
* Going forward, all MNN networking and outreach materials will reflect the new visual identity. This includes meeting posters, seminar schedules, emails, reports, social media and of course the website. ****Watch for the 2016 scientific meeting SAVE THE DATE announcement later this week.**** The identity was created professionally with input from a committee of our peers. The committee was created by a call for volunteers about a year ago and I thank those who stepped forward. We are fully aware that not everyone likes the same sorts of design, but the committee went through many concepts and eventually agreed on the basic framework you will see. I'm hopeful we can all stand behind it going forward.
* Future emails will come from the new MNN email domain. For matters related to networking the email address will be networking@manitobaneuroscience.camailto:networking@manitobaneuroscience.ca; for matters related to outreach the address will be outreach@manitobaneuroscience.camailto:outreach@manitobaneuroscience.ca. Be sure these addresses won't be filtered to avoid missing important information.
* We have over 60 PIs who have already asked to be profiled on the website. If you are not one of them and would like to be, please email networking@manitobaneuroscience.camailto:networking@manitobaneuroscience.ca.
* Finally, we are active social media participants. If you are too, don't forget to follow MNN on Twitter (@manitobaneuro) and Instagram (@manitobaneuroscience), and like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/manitobaneuroscience). If you have any material for distribution by social media (announcements, polls, news, congratulations, papers, meetings, social events etc), email to networking@manitobaneuroscience.camailto:networking@manitobaneuroscience.ca.
Thank you for being active members of the MNN and for participating in MNN events. With partners, your dues and participation have made our growth possible.
MNN leaders
Partners: University of Manitoba Faculties, Departments and Programs, Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre, Health Sciences Centre Foundation, St. Boniface Hospital Research, Research Manitoba, Society for Neuroscience.