/On behalf of Eftekhar Eftekharpour
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to request nomination for our 2016-2017 MNN invited speaker series. Over the last few years, the MNN has actively invited more than 30 national and international distinguished speakers to come to Winnipeg and interact with our scientific community. This has been achieved through a close interaction between the MNN, Kleysen Neuroscience group and the Saint Boniface Hospital. This has been a real opportunity for our Neuroscientists to interact with the speakers and establish successful collaborative projects. Many of these speakers visited our city for the first time and were quite impressed with the quality, quantity and the depth of neuroscience research at U of M.
I am writing to request your help in inviting world class scientists for this year. I would like to extent this invitation to all aspects of Neuroscience research and therefore would need your input.
Please send me name, email, and a line or two for the impact they have had in your field of interest.
Looking forward to your emails.
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Kae Normandeau
Administrative Manager, Neuroscience Research Program
Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine
T: 204.318.2569
E: kae.normandeau@umanitoba.ca