International PhD study opportunity at SCRC and Nencki Institute June 2015

Please share this email with any potential PhD candidates.
An opportunity for international PhD study in neuroscience at the Spinal Cord Research Centre (SCRC) and the Nencki Institute (Warsaw, Poland) is available and supported by the Bio4Med: International PhD Program in Biological Bases of Human Diseases.
This is a collaborative research project involving Dr. Urszula Slawinska of the Nencki Institute and Dr. Larry M. Jordan at the SCRC, Winnipeg, Canada. This is an attractive program, because the monthly stipend is high compared to other programs (1700Euro monthly for 4 years), and it offers opportunities for work both in Warsaw and in Winnipeg.
The project is entitled: Studies on afferents crucial for locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury. In our project we want to clarify the brainstem structures involved in production of locomotion from the MLR, and the interaction of this descending system with intraspinal locomotor neurons and peripheral afferents. The neural system crucial for locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury is under the control of a serotonergic descending pathway, an intraspinal cholinergic propriospinal system, and input from peripheral afferents.Cutaneous afferents from the plantar surface of the paw of cats and rats are necessary for locomotion after spinal cord injury. The intraspinal cholinergic propriospinal system has the capacity to drastically reduce cutaneous input from the limb, thus interfering with locomotor recovery. The balance between these factors determines the success of recovery after injury. Understanding the detailed physiology of these systems is the major goal of this research program.
For more details about SCRC/Nencki Institute project please see the attached letter or go to
The Candidate requirements for this specific project are: - Experience with and/or desire to learn electrophysiological and behavioral techniques for experimenting on intact and injured rats and mice. - Basic knowledge of neuroscience. - Experience with computer techniques for acquisition and analysis of data. - Candidates for Bio4Med International PhD Program must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Poland for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. Candidates should not be longer than 4 years after their Master’s Degree.
The application deadline is June 1, 2015 - Applications shall be submitted on-line ( - Interviews will be held at the Nencki Institute in June 2015.
NOTE: There are actually 22 positions available in the Bio4Med: International PhD Program in Biological Bases of Human Diseases. Detailed information about these other projects (in biology, chemistry and biophysics) can be found at
For additional information please contact Ms. Urszula Rybak:
Kelly Jorundson Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092 Email: OR
participants (1)
Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience