Fw: Recruitment at Krembil Brain Institute and University of Toronto
Tabrez J. Siddiqui, PhD
Associate Professor of Physiology and Pathophysiology,
Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba.
Principal Investigator, Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba.
Principal Investigator, PrairieNeuro Research Centre,
Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine, Health Sciences Centre.
SR422-710 William Avenue, Winnipeg R3E 0Z3,
Manitoba, Canada.
Phone: 1. 204.318.2564
________________________________ From: Bains, Jaideep Jaideep.Bains@uhn.ca Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 14:56 To: Bains, Jaideep Jaideep.Bains@uhn.ca Subject: Recruitment at Krembil Brain Institute and University of Toronto
Caution! This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.
Dear friends,
I hope you’ve all had a chance to unplug a bit and put your feet up over the summer.
I’m emailing to let you know that the Krembil Brain Institute in partnership with the University of Toronto is recruiting 2 independent scientist positions (see attached).
One position, with the Department of Physiology, is in Brain Circuits/Plasticity. The second position is in neuroimmunology in partnership with the Department of Immunology.
Please forward to anyone in your sphere who may be interested.
All the best,
Director, Krembil Research Institute (KRI)
Interim Director, Krembil Brain Institute
Senior Scientist, Krembil Brain Institute
University Health Network
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participants (1)
Tabrez Siddiqui