SFN travel awards for trainees - SHORT NOTICE

The Society for Neuroscience will be offering travel awards for the Chicago meeting in October, 2015. The procedures have changed this year. Interested candidates must now self-nominate for a Trainee Professional Development Awardhttp://www.sfn.org/Awards-and-Funding/Individual-Prizes-and-Fellowships/Travel-Awards/Trainee-Professional-Development-Awards.
One application requirement is a recommendation letter (from mentor, advisor, chapter representative or program/department chair), and SFN encourages chapter representatives to highlight applicants' chapter involvement in the recommendation letters. Unlike the original chapter travel awards program, undergraduates are also eligible for these awards as well as graduate student and postdoctoral trainees.
Applications are due by June 9 at 12:00 pm eastern time.
Chris Anderson SFN Winnipeg Chapter President Chris.anderson@umanitoba.ca
participants (1)
Chris Anderson