REMINDER: Neuroscience Faculty Recruitment Seminar

REMINDER: Candidate seminar today at noon. A207 Chown Bldg or Zoom:
Meeting ID: 672 0151 1826
Passcode: 540083
From: Manitoba Neuroscience Network Sent: June 2, 2022 12:28 PM To: '' Subject: Neuroscience Faculty Recruitment Seminar
The Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics is recruiting a tenure-track Assistant of Associate Professor with expertise in neuroscience. There is currently a short list of 3 candidates, whom have all been invited to give public presentations. Two candidates visited this week and delivered hybrid in-person and Zoom presentations. Links to their Zoom recordings can be found below, if you would like to view them. The third candidate will be here next week and will speak at noon on June 7. You are invited to attend in-person (Chown A207), or via Zoom using the information in the poster below.
Please feel free to pass on any comments/feedback to
CANDIDATE 1: Dr. Jeff Dong
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Calgary
Uncovering new mediators of neurodegeneration and aging in the central nervous system
Link from May 30: iBK4y9uROzKopQJmkKj8Iobw.aaN1EIgJ0TJNwNnK Passcode: 6Yia4Rb&
CANDIDATE 2: Dr. Yuan Ge
Research Associate
University of British Columbia
Identifying molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and memory
Link from June 1: JYOOwJboaDCe79Ia5E5dq4n0.j89NYbhEG45IMuqw Passcode: @$G7tc3q
CANDIDATE 3: Dr. Henry Dunn
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Florida Scripps Biomedical Research Institute
Endogenous trans-synaptic allosteric modulators of group III mGluRs in neurological disease
Details for June 7 in-person or via Zoom:
participants (1)
Manitoba Neuroscience Network