Hello everyone,
Thank you to everyone who attended the first MNN seminar on Friday. We have a great lineup of speakers this year, so we hope that you will come out to support them and hear about their work.
I have several updates to share with you regarding our outreach activities. First, I am excited to announce that the MNN and Manitoba Craft Council, in partnership with the University of Manitoba, will be hosting a new Neurocraft exhibition in March, 2018. The exhibition will be held at the C2 Centre for Craft, which is the new home of the MCC and the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library. All of the works from the previous show will be on display, as well as some new pieces. There will be an opening reception on Friday, March 2nd, and the show will run for the entire month in conjunction with Brain Awareness Week. We are also planning to hold some workshops for kids, and I will be sending out a call for volunteers (faculty and students) once the details are finalized.
I am also pleased to inform you that Dr. Pierre Marquet, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Neurophotonics, Université Laval, will be our visiting speaker for Brain Awareness Week. Dr. Marquet will be here in Winnipeg on March 14th and 15th, and there will be opportunities to meet with him on both days.
Some of you, particularly those of you at U of Ms Fort Garry Campus, may be familiar with Lets Talk Science, a student-run initiative that runs STEM workshops and outreach programs for elementary and high school students. Each year they host a symposium focusing on a single subject, and one of the student leaders has requested our assistance with a neuroscience symposium for next year. NeuroTalks will likely take place in late April or early May, 2018, and should attract approximately 100 students. This will be a great opportunity for us to introduce these students to our field, and I will be looking for faculty and student volunteers to help with career panels and laboratory demonstrations. Once again, details will be forthcoming.
Finally, I would like to reiterate that if you have recently published a paper (research or a review), please send us the details so that we can share it on our social media accounts. These posts are seen by literally thousands of people and are a great way to publicize our achievements. You can send the information to me via the MNN Outreach email address or to our Social Media Director Crystal Acosta: umacostc@myumanitoba.ca
I wish you all success in your research and teaching this term.
Best wishes, Sari
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neurscience Network
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