Post-doc position available in Dr. Ole Kiehn's lab, Sweden

Dear All,
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Systems Neuroscience - In Kiehn lab
A postdoc position is available in the Mammalian Locomotor Laboratory, at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, in Stockholm, Sweden in Kiehn lab. ( )
The laboratory is offering a creative and international environment, focusing on functional operation and molecular logic of neural networks controlling movements. We are using an area of experimental approaches including molecular mouse genetics, imaging, optogenetics, electrophysiology and anatomy to decipher the function of the locomotor networks mammalian spinal cord and brain
We are looking for an outstanding researcher that has extensive experience with electrophysiology/imaging either in vitro or in vivo. Candidates ideally have a PhD degree in systems neuroscience. It is an advantage also to have insights in mouse genetic and molecular biology. The candidate must be able to work in an integrated team. Strong dedication to science is an absolute requirement. The candidate must be fluent in English.
Contact Ole Kiehn; Professor Department of Neuroscience The Karolinska Institute Retziusväg 8 171777, Stockholm Sweden 46 70685782 Email:
Karolinska Institute is one of the world´s leading medical universities. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.
Ole Kiehn, Professor Mammalian Locomotor Lab Department of Neuroscience The Karolinska Institute Retziusväg 8 17177 Stockholm Sweden 46 852483951 46706857821
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Dr. Larry Jordan Spinal Cord Research Centre College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Manitoba Department of Physiology 409 - 745 Bannatyne Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0J9 Tel: 204-789-3770 Fax: 204-789-3934 E-mail: Website:
Kelly Jorundson Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
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Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience