Upcoming neuroscience seminars, events and opportunities

M N N S E M I N A R & V I S I T I N G S P E A K E R S E R I E S
Friday, September 21st, 2018 12:00 Noon
Theatre C Bannatyne Campus
**followed by a trainee lunch in SR415 Kleysen Bldg.
S P E A K E R Jonathan Geiger, Ph.D. https://und.edu/directory/jonathan.geiger
Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor
UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences
T O P I C An ‘iron-ic’ story about endolysosomes, inter-organellar signaling and neurodegenerative diseases
For more information, contact the MNN office @ 204.235.3939
Tabrez Siddiqui Chair, MNN Seminar Series E: Tabrez.siddiqui@umanitoba.ca
This is a reminder that Rebecca Kamen’s visit will take place next Monday, September 24th. If you are interested in taking part in her workshop or meeting with her in the afternoon, please send me an email at this address. I also hope to see you at her talk and reception at noon that day. PI’s, please share this email and my previous one with any students who are not on the MNN mailing list.
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neuroscience Network
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Seminar Series
Thursday, September 27th , 2018 12:00 pm 071 Apotex
Amanda Woerman Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases University of California, San Francisco
"Using cellular assays to identify disease-causing alpha-synuclein and tau strains”
For more information contact:
Dr. Matt Hill from the University of Calgary will be giving this year’s Zubec lecture in the Department of Psychology on September 28th at 3:00pm. This is our most popular event and will be rather busy. So please do plan to arrive a bit early and stay for the post talk wine and cheese.
Matt will be available during the day for faculty meetings – if anyone hopes to be down at the Ft. Garry campus for his talk, please let me know ASAP. I’d like to accommodate anyone for shortly before his talk given the distance between campuses.
Title: Endocannabinoids: Multi-modal regulators of the stress response.
Abstract: Cannabis is a widely used recreational drug, for which the majority of users state that they use it to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. THC from cannabis exerts its effect via interactions with the endocannabinoid system. My research has sought to understand the neural mechanisms and circuits by which endocannabinoid signaling can influence stress responses and emotional behaviour, which in turn, can be helped to form a framework to understand how cannabis can modulate these processes. This seminar will detail the current state of knowledge regarding how endocannabinoid signaling influences stress-induced changes in neural activity to modulate neuroendocrine and behavioural outputs of the stress response.
Dr. T.L. Ivanco, Associate Professor
Department Of Psychology
204-474-7375 Tammy.Ivanco@umanitoba.ca
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Seminar Series
Thursday, October 4th, 2018
12:00 pm 164 Apotex
Ghazaleh Ashrafi Department of Biochemistry Weill-Cornell Medical College New York, NY
T O P I C : “Powering the synapse on demand”
For more information contact:
Postdoc position available
Robarts Research Institute
1151 Richmond St. London,ON
Post-Doctoral Position Available:
A postdoctoral position is available immediately under the supervision of Drs. Robert Bartha and Marco Prado at the Robarts Research Institute, Schulich School of Medicine
& Dentistry at Western University. Drs. Prado and Bartha have a long-standing interest in the development of advanced high-field MRI and behavioural applications for the
study of mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. (posting continued in attached file)
/sent on behalf of Michael Jackson
participants (1)
Manitoba Neuroscience Network