Neurocraft - now closed

Hello everyone,
It is with great sadness that I inform you that we have had to close our Neurocraft show two weeks early. As some of you may have already seen on the CBC, the show was vandalized on Saturday and two pieces were damaged beyond repair. Other pieces were also damaged, but not irreparably. As you can imagine, this was very distressing for the artists, and yesterday, we decided to close the show to ensure the safety of the remaining pieces. We knew that there was a risk associated with holding the show in a public space, but we also felt that it was very important to make both art and science accessible to all.
While the last few days have been unpleasant, it should not detract from the fact that we have had an incredible response to the show over the last two weeks. I also want to assure you that this is not the end for Neurocraft! We still have our exhibition in Montreal to look forward to in May, and I hope that all of you attending the CAN meeting will have a chance to see the pieces and attend our reception at the Visual Voice gallery. We are also pursuing opportunities to hold additional shows here in Winnipeg in the near future. Finally, we still have the John Buhler atrium for the next two weeks, and MCC and I are now creating a new installation for the remaining time - one that will give people a chance to reflect on the importance of art and science in their lives. You will all have the opportunity to participate in this one. Stay tuned.
Best wishes, Sari
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neuroscience Network
participants (1)