Outreach opportunity - Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre

Hello everyone,
I have a very unique outreach opportunity to share with you! The Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre has asked if one of our members would be willing to write a short article (350 words) related to mental health and gratitude (this could extend to the practice of mindfulness as well). The article will be included in the program for an upcoming play that will be staged in January. Additional details are provided in the forwarded email below. If you are interested, please contact me ASAP as this is somewhat time-sensitive. As you will see, it includes a nice little perk too!
Best wishes, Sari
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neuroscience Network
Associate Professor, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kathleen Cerrer kcerrer@royalmtc.ca Date: Nov. 12, 2019 at 10:43 a.m. To: info info@manitobaneuroscience.ca Subject: Manitoba Neuroscience Network in Royal MTC Program
Good morning,
I’m writing from the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. In January, we are presenting a show called “Every Brilliant Thing” which focuses on mental health and the power of gratitude for physical and mental healing.
We’d like to include an article in our program about the power of gratitude and the scientific evidence behind it. Might there be someone at the Manitoba Neuroscience Network that could contribute to our program? The piece would be approximately 350 words and the deadline is Thurs, Nov 28. We would be happy to give you a pair of tickets to the show.
Show information https://royalmtc.ca/Current-Plays/Every-Brilliant-Thing.aspx
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Kathleen Cerrer, Publicist
Box Office 204 942 6537 | 1 877 446 4500
participants (1)