Dr Moussavi presents at our Dementia Journal club - Dec 7th at Riverview Health Ctr- 11:30 AM Please post or circulate

/sent on behalf of
Dr. Ben Albensi
Subject: Dr Moussavi presents at our Dementia Journal club - Dec 7th at Riverview Health Ctr- 11:30 AM Please post or circulate
Come to our Dementia Journal Club on Friday, Dec. 7th, 11:30 AM Riverview Health Ctr, Winnipeg
DH132 is the basement of the “Day Hospital” at Riverview Health Center. Day Hospital has an entrance through the back parking lot (east side of the campus facing the river) but also has connection to the main hospital through tunnels. Street parking around the RHC is for 1 or some for 2 hours free. One block south of the center like Baltimore street is free parking all day.
Brain Fitness APP for Aging with a Healthy Brain and Detecting Cognitive Declines
Dr Zahra Moussavi
While currently there is no cure or "vaccine" against dementia, there are hopes to delay the onset or progression of the disease by living a brain-healthy life style. In this study, we developed 7 games in a Brain Fitness App based on the premise of brain plasticity, targeting spatial orientation, associative memory and short-term memory that are known to decline with normal aging and dementia. Twenty cognitively healthy individuals (69.8±5.9 yr) and 20 (68.9±8.2 yr) with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild stage of Alzheimer’s were enrolled in the study. Cognitively healthy participants used the App at home at their own pace but were advised and encouraged to use it daily. The MCI/Alzheimer’s group mostly (n=15) used the App in a supervised manner (with a tutor) 5 day/week for 4 consecutive weeks, two blocks of 30 minutes per day with half an hour break in between. The tutors were 5 different young students. The assessor also helped with tutoring one of the participants. The remaining 5 of the 20 in this group used the App at home with the help of their caregiver. The cognitive function of both groups’ participants was assessed by using WMS-IV at baseline and immediately post-intervention. Half of the healthy group was assessed at two baselines to establish the practice effect on the WMS-IV score.
The results of the healthy group, on average, indicate a significant improvement in cognitive functioning from baseline to post-intervention; however, not significant when accounting for the practice effect of the WMS-IV test. For the MCI/Alzheimer’s group, we did not expect any practice effect for the assessment and that was apparent among the 4 individuals who used the App at their home with their caregiver at their own pace (less regimented and less frequently); they showed no difference in scores after the intervention. However, the group who were tutored showed a significant improvement post-intervention. The total score of their WMS-IV test increased by 22.6 on average (p<0.02, paired t-test). Having a tutor may be considered as a placebo effect for the main effect. While we believe the observed improvement is beyond the placebo effect (2 participants did not improve despite enjoying their sessions), we believe especially for MCI and Alzheimer’s individuals having a tutor for brain exercises and having a regimented tutoring/learning is the key for the brain exercises to be effective in improving the cognition. The results of the healthy group also indicate that when individuals use brain exercises at their own pace, the majority do not challenge themselves and do not use the games as frequently as instructed; thus, not surprising that those individuals do not benefit as much from any brain exercises. Our results, overall, indicate delivery of brain exercises by a personal trainer (tutor) can be the key for a beneficial outcome.
B. Albensi, PhD
Dementia Research Chair
Kelly Jorundson Coordinator, Membership & Operations Manitoba Neuroscience Network Room R4046 - 351 Taché Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6 CANADA
Email: mailto:kjorund@sbrc.ca kjorund@sbrc.ca Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092
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