Fwd: Graduate Student and Postdoc Career Development Workshop

For all interested:
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FHS Graduate students and Postdoctoral trainees, please note...
Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Student and Postdoc Career Development Workshop.
Aim: To educate and provide tools to trainees to help them to succeed as career academics but also to help transition to other non-academic scientific career streams.
What: empowerment through knowledge and information provided by guest speakers and career/skills development exercises and advice
When: monthly (first Tuesday of each month at 3:00pm)
Who: All Faculty of Health Sciences graduate students and post-docs (and their supervisors too!)
Format: 30 mins guest speaker + 30 mins Q&A – active engagement with the audience
Coordinator: Dr. Sachin Katyal, Asst Prof, Dept. Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Senior Scientist, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, CancerCare Manitoba (questions/comments can be directed to sachin.katyal@umanitoba.camailto:sachin.katyal@umanitoba.ca)
Start: The inaugural presentation will be held on Tuesday October 7, 2014 – 3:00-4:00PM, Basic Science Lecture Theatre E
Sachin Katyal will outline the key concepts and goals of the workshop for the coming year
Topics include:
1. Networking, Networking, Networking!!! (ongoing theme)
-collaborating and promoting yourself
-gathering references and developing notoriety
2. Communication skills (writing, public speaking, graphic presentations)
3. Research Skills (expt design, techniques, data/stats analysis, interpretation, peer review, detail-oriented)
4. Business Management skills (leadership, professionalism, project management, time management, team play)
5. Effective CV building, updating, promotion
6. Ins and outs of publishing
-scientific writing/editing
7. Trainee Grantsmanship and Grant workshop
8. Building an IDP (individual development plan) - http://myidp.sciencecareers.org/
-IDP provides a mentor-mentee planning process that identifies both professional development needs and career objectives (both short term and long term)
9. Advancing to a tenure track academic position
-preparing the application
-choosing the right references
-application, site visit and interview processes
-giving an effective scientific presentation
-chalk talks
-negotiating a start-up package
-planning and securing funding
-alternative paths to academic careers
10. Alternative non-academic scientific careers:
-Big Pharma
-Patent attorney/agent
-Scientific liason for non-profits
-Finance industry (science/tech analyst)
-Medical Communications
-Corporate meets science
-NGO health related
Sachin Katyal, PhD Asst. Professor, University of Manitoba, Dept of Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Senior Scientist, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, CancerCare Manitoba 675 McDermot Ave, ON5010 Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3E0V9
ph: 204-787-2765 Sachin.Katyal@umanitoba.camailto:Sachin.Katyal@umanitoba.ca
participants (1)
Chris Anderson