I apologize for any duplicate emails you may receive.
May 20, 2010
The Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience http://www.sfn-manitoba.ca/ would like to make you aware of the following upcoming neuroscience presentations.....
Research Seminar - Dr. Douglas Wright
Friday, May 21, 2010 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Samuel Cohen Auditorium, SBRC Campus**
**video-linked to Bannatyne Campus (A229 Chown Bldg.)
Douglas Wright, PhD Professor & Vice Chair Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology University of Kansas Medical Center
For more information, contact: kjorund@sbrc.ca
Neuroscience Research Program Public Lecture - Dr. Wen-Quan Zou
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Theatre C, Basic Medical Sciences Building
TOPIC: "Pathophysiology of silent prions"
Wen-Quan Zou, MD, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Institute of Pathology and Associate Director, National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Centre, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
For more information, contact Dr. Xin-Min Li, Neuroscience Research Program, Faculty of Medicine at (204)977-5633 or xinmin_li@umanitoba.ca
Neuroscience Research Program Public Lecture - Dr. Dr. Yan Dong
Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Theatre C, Basic Medical Sciences Building
TOPIC: "NMDA receptor as a molecular organizer of cocaine-induced cellular adaptations"
Yan Dong, Ph.D, M.Sc, Assistant Professor, Department of Vet and Comp Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology, Program in Neuroscience and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Program of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Washington State University
For more information, contact Dr. Xin-Min Li, Neuroscience Research Program, Faculty of Medicine at (204)977-5633 or xinmin_li@umanitoba.ca
Research Seminar - Dr. Peter J. Oates
Friday, June 11, 2010
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Samuel Cohen Auditorium, SBRC Campus**
**Video-linked to Bannatyne Campus (A229 Chown Bldg)
"Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Polyol Pathway: Pharmacology 301".
/sent on behalf of
Kelly Jorundson
Membership Services
Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience
R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092 Visit our website: http://www.sfn-manitoba.ca/
WCSN Office is located at R4046 St. Boniface Research Centre, 351 Tache Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6 Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092 Email: wcsn@sbrc.ca
participants (1)
Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience