A message form Dr. Chris Anderson:
The MNN was founded as a networking and outreach vehicle for Manitoba neuroscientists who would be largely disconnected from one another otherwise. Over the years, together we have forged a vibrant and consistent membership base, built a strong seminar and visiting speaker program, held 10 well-attended scientific meetings since 2011, funded awards for speakerships and trainee travel, developed a robust, award-winning outreach and advocacy program, and more. Your membership in the organization and consistent willingness to volunteer your time and passion for neuroscience has made this all possible. As we emerge from the restricted activities of the pandemic, the MNN is committed to re-invigorating its suite of activities, including a 2023 scientific meeting in June.
As we begin this process, it is a perfect time for new ideas and directions to take root and flourish moving forward. With that in mind I intend to step aside as the MNN/Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience President and create opportunities for new leaders to take the MNN to the next levels. Dr. Sari Hannila will also step down as Director of Outreach. Both of us have significant leadership responsibilities at the University of Manitoba and/or affiliated institutes and will not be able to dedicate the time to the MNN that its members deserve. I hope youll read Dr. Hannilas message to the MNN community below. Both of us are committed to ensuring new leaders are chosen, and that there is a full slate of MNN activities in place for the rest of the academic year so we dont leave a vacuum when we depart. Dr. Hannila will both stay on until the end of April. I will stay as long as needed for an efficient handover.
The process of choosing leaders is set by the by-laws of the Winnipeg Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. There will be nominations and an election process for the council, consisting of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 elected councilors (normally, basic science, clinical councilor, Fort Garry Councilor, Bannatyne Councilor, UW Councilor, Student Councilor). A process for this will be established soon and communicated to members. Please start to consider whether you might like to serve in one of these roles.
I want to thank the many, many volunteers who have made the network a vibrant group. Current team members to thank include Sari Hannila, Kelly Jorundson, Kae Normandeau, Protiti Khan, Paul Fernyhough, Mike Jackson and Tabrez Siddiqui but I also want to thank all the previous poster judges, meeting chairs, social media content providers, website planners, awards committee members, Brain Bee volunteers, seminar series coordinators, visiting speakers, café scientifique panel members, public speaker bureau members, school science fair judges and others I might have missed for exceptional contributions. I also want to thank the many sponsors of our annual scientific meeting over the years, as well as the legacies of Nancy Hettie Clark and Viktor Havlicek.
Lastly, none of the outreach activities MNN leads would be possible without our membership and associated dues. If you have overlooked becoming a member or renewing a previous membership, please visit https://manitobaneuroscience.ca/join/ to help us build our base to the highest level ever and become eligible to vote in elections.
Thank you!
A message form Dr. Sari Hannila:
Dear colleagues,
I am writing to inform you that I will be stepping down as Director of Outreach for the MNN. I was recently appointed Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Health Program in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, and due to the demands of this new position, I will not have time to give the outreach program the attention it deserves.
I will be staying on as Director through April, 2023 to oversee our upcoming outreach activities such as the Winnipeg Brain Bee and Brain Awareness Week. In the spirit of creating a more egalitarian governance structure for the MNN, I propose that an Outreach committee (perhaps 2-4 individuals) be formed to take over coordination of the Winnipeg Brain Bee, and any other public outreach events. The Brain Bee is of particular importance, as it is part of a national organization, and our most successful program. On that note, planning for the 2023 Winnipeg Brain Bee is already underway, and I would like to identify interested individuals ASAP so that we can work together and have a seamless transition. If you are interested in this or any other aspect of outreach, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss it with you. I will be available for consultation with the Outreach committee on an ad hoc basis, and I will continue to be involved in our events as a participant.
I am very proud of what we have achieved since the MNN outreach program started in 2014, and I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered for an outreach event, as none of this would have been possible without your participation. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve the Manitoba neuroscience community in this way, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us.
All the best, Sari
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Manitoba Neuroscience Network