We are pleased to announce that the Manitoba Neuroscience Network will again be accepting applications for 2023/24 TRAVEL AWARDS FOR NEUROSCIENCE PROJECTS and the 2024 VIKTOR HAVLICEK MEMORIAL NEUROSCIENCE LECTURESHIP.
TRAVEL AWARDS: A legacy fund created by the estate of Nancy Hettie Clark is used to enrich neuroscience training and support opportunities to network within the wider neuroscience community. Two travel awards of up to $1000 each are intended to be awarded annually to a graduate student and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Manitoba. The application deadline is JULY 10. The eligible travel period is between May 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024.
Eligibility: Eligible trainees are either graduate students or postdoctoral fellows. Student candidates must be enrolled as full-time graduate students (PhD or MSc) in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba, and have a cumulative graduate grade point average of 3.5 or greater (University of Manitoba scale). Postdoctoral fellow candidates must be within five years of having been awarded their Ph.D. and have a full-time appointment at the University of Manitoba or an affiliated hospital or institute. All candidates must demonstrate excellent research performance and potential in a neurosciences-related discipline, and must demonstrate they will disseminate research results that reflect a high-quality contribution by The University of Manitoba.
How to apply:
A complete application package consists of the following:
* Cover letter stating the following (1 page maximum):
o Application category (student or postdoctoral fellow) and your start date in that position
o The conference title, location and dates
o Type of presentation (e.g. poster or oral)
o The importance of the meeting and significance for career development
o Any information that would allow reviewers to assess the significance or impact of the conference (e.g. abstracts are peer-reviewed)
o Clearly state your graduate GPA (students only)
* Graduate level academic transcript (students only)
* Listing of scholarly output (publications and presentations)
* Support letter from the primary research advisor with (a) a merit assessment of the candidate and project, and (b) confirmation that there is a commitment to cover all eligible travel expenses less the award value
* Copy of the submitted abstract
Submit all materials to mailto:info@manitobaneuroscience.ca info@manitobaneuroscience.ca email by JULY 10. The support letter may be appended or sent separately by the research advisor.
LECTURESHIP: Viktor Havlicek, MD, PhD, DSc, was a Professor in the Department of Physiology (now Physiology and Pathophysiology) at the University of Manitoba from 1968 to 1981. The Viktor Havlicek Memorial fund was established through gifts to the University of Manitoba in his memory. This fund yields at least $3,000, with a possibility of up to $4,000, once every two years to support a visit to the University of Manitoba by an internationally-renowned neuroscientist in a manner that encourages interactions with trainees.
Applications are now being accepted until JULY 10, 2023 for a visit and lecture to take place between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. Applications for the next Lectureship will be accepted in 2025 for 2026/2027 fiscal year.
Nominations must be made by a faculty member but trainees and staff are encouraged to suggest names to their advisors. Faculty from any MNN contributing institution (ie. not only the University of Manitoba) may submit nominations. A complete nomination consists of a letter to the Neuroscience Awards Committee (NAC) Chair explaining the rationale for choice of candidate (1 page maximum), along with any supporting materials the applicant deems useful for assessing the merit of the candidate and the benefits of his or her visit to the University of Manitoba. Please send nominations by email to mailto:info@manitobaneuroscience.ca info@manitobaneuroscience.ca by JULY 10.
The NAC will determine an order of invitation priority for submitted nominees and the top-priority candidate invited at a time determined in consultation with the nominator. If this candidate is not available, the next candidate will be invited. All candidates on the priority list must be considered worthy of the Lectureship by the NAC.
We hope you find these opportunities helpful and exciting. If there are any questions, you may respond to mailto:info@manitobaneuroscience.ca info@manitobaneuroscience.ca.
Thank you.
/sent on behalf of
Michael Jackson
NAC Chair
Associate Professor, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Principal Investigator, PrairieNeuro Research Centre
University of Manitoba
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Manitoba Neuroscience Network