FW: Brain Canada and ALS Canada announce joint partnership research funding opportunity

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ALS Canada and Brain Canada Joint Partnership 2015 Research Funding Opportunities:
ALS Canada and Brain Canada wish to announce the 2015 funding opportunities resulting from their landmark $20 million partnership. The objective of this joint funding program is to support research that is relevant to ALS and related neurological disorders, including primary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, and ALS/FTLD (ALS/frontotemporal lobar dementia). The ultimate goal of the ALS Society of Canada and Brain Canada (the Partners) is to prevent or cure these disorders, to slow their progression, and to improve the quality of life for those affected and their families.
It is expected that the calls will be opened by mid-February. Find our more information on the partnership herehttp://als.ca/en/news/awareness/als-societies-across-canada-commit-10-million-als-research-and-announce-new More information about the programs can be found below and by clicking herehttp://braincanada.ca/en/Strategic_Partnership_Programs
The forthcoming programs include: • ALS Canada-Brain Canada Hudson Translational Team Grants • ALS Canada-Brain Canada Discovery Grants • ALS Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award
ALS Canada-Brain Canada Hudson Translational Team Grant The spirit of this forthcoming call for proposals is to bring together researchers from across the country to accelerate therapeutic development for ALS and related neurological disorders by: 1) identifying and testing a relevant therapeutic target or candidate therapy and/or 2) addressing critical needs for early diagnosis and bio-monitoring of clinical progression applied to clinical research. Research in all stages of development is welcomed, from basic/preclinical to phase I, II and III clinical trials. ALS Canada and Brain Canada (The Partners) are seeking applications from teams of independent investigators from multiple independent institutions proposing such a translational research approach with a sound and feasible rationale, supported by preliminary data. Opening date: February 13, 2015 Deadline for LOI submission: March 23, 2015 Selection results will be available by April 24, 2015 Deadline for Full Proposal submission: July 13, 2015 Announcement of results: September 21, 2015
ALS Canada-Brain Canada Discovery Grants The Discovery Grant program encourages new basic research focused on identifying causes of, or treatments for ALS and related neurological disorders. The spirit of this program is “high risk/high reward” and is aimed at independent investigator(s) proposing a novel research approach, supported by a sound rationale and feasible experimental plan, but not necessarily preliminary data. Traditionally, the Discovery Grants program has provided support to novel projects from established ALS researchers, individuals from outside the field applying specific knowledge or expertise to ALS and related neurological disorders or teams of multiple investigators combining expertise in novel ways. Opening date: February 13, 2015 Deadline for submission: June 1, 2015 Announcement of results: September 21, 2015 ALS
Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award This program will identify and engage a rising star pursuing innovative research in labs and academic institutions in Canada. This award has the long-term goal of developing the next generation of scientists across various disciplines within basic and clinical sciences, contributing to knowledge generation and translation in ALS. The award will provide the necessary support to either a senior postdoctoral trainee or recently hired junior faculty member to secure or maintain a faculty job in Canada. Opening date: February 13, 2015 Deadline for submission: April 15, 2015 Announcement of award: June 30, 2015
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Chris Anderson