Winnipeg Brain Bee - volunteers needed!
Good morning everyone,
We will be hosting our 4th annual Winnipeg Brain Bee on Saturday, March 10th. This event has grown tremendously in the last several years, and this year we are expecting our largest number of participants to date - 65 students! We have a dedicated group of faculty and student volunteers who have been instrumental in the Brain Bee's success, and I am very grateful to all of them. They will be back again this year, but with this many students, we are going to need more help. I am therefore looking for additional volunteers to serve in the following roles:
1. One faculty member to serve as a judge for the preliminary round of the competition (unfortunately trainees cannot serve as judges). Judges are responsible for administering the questions and judging the competitors responses. This will be a roughly 1.5 hour time commitment from 9:30-11 am on March 10th, plus some set-up time the day before.
2. One faculty member (preferably), postdoc, or student to give presentations on their research as part of our afternoon activities. This will be a 20-25 minute presentation that will be repeated several times as groups of students rotate through the different workshops. It can be a formal talk about your research. It can be a tour of your lab or imaging facility. It can be a demonstration of a technique. This will be a 2.5 hour time commitment from 1-3:30 pm on March 10th, plus whatever set-up time you require.
3. Two graduate students or postdocs to serve as scorekeepers and guides. Scorekeepers are paired up with judges to score the preliminary and final rounds. As guides you will be responsible for meeting the students when they arrive and escorting them around the Bannatyne campus. This is a full day commitment that will last from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on March 10th. Lunch will be provided.
Please send your responses as soon as possible, and ideally, no later than next Friday, February 23rd. Thank you all very much for your consideration.
Best wishes, Sari
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neuroscience Network
participants (1)