MNN Seminar - Oct 26/12 DR. JUN-FENG WANG

Manitoba Neuroscience Network Seminar
Friday, October 26th, 2012 | 9:00 - 10:00 am
Dr. Jun-Feng Wang
Associate Professor - Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Adjunct Professor - Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
University of Manitoba
TOPIC: "Oxidative stress in bipolar disorder: implications for mood stabilizing treatment."
Location: PZ236/238 Psychiatry Bldg., Bannatyne Campus
Short Biosketch: Dr. Jun-Feng Wang recently joined the University of Manitoba, in March 2012, as Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics and as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry. His research focuses on the role of oxidative stress and oxidative stress-induced protein modifications in bipolar disorder; and on understanding the neuroprotective mechanisms of mood stabilizing drugs.
Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 1991 from Peking University. He did his Post Doc training at University of California San Francisco and McMaster University. Dr. Wang received his first academic appointment as Assistant Professor at McMaster University from 2001 to 2003. Later he joined the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and University of Toronto as a Research Scientist and Assistant Professor from 2003 to 2007. Dr. Wang was at in the Department of Psychiatry at University of British Columbia as Assistant Professor from 2007-2010, and as Associate Professor from 2010-2012. Dr. Wang has received considerable research support, including grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ontario Mental Health Foundation, Stanley Foundation Research Grants, and the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation. He has twice received National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Young Investigator Awards. His research is currently supported by grants from the Manitoba Health Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and University of Manitoba start-up funding. Dr. Wang has some 72 publications including 59 articles, 7 reviews and 6 book chapters.
For more information, contact the
MNN Office at
(T) 235.3939 or email:
Presented in co-operation with University of Manitoba
Clinical Neuroscience Rounds
Kelly Jorundson Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092 Email: OR
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Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience