Outreach opportunity - presentation at Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba annual meeting

Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed the MNN Annual Meeting yesterday. As Ben mentioned, our outreach activities have gone extremely well this year, and I have another opportunity to share with you. We received this email from the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba on Tuesday through the MNN Speaker's Bureau. They are requesting speakers for their annual education conference, which will take place April 21-23, 2017. As you will see, they have mentioned some individuals by name, and we have already contacted them, but they have also requested other speakers for the topics that are listed below. This is a great opportunity to connect with the regulatory body of a growing allied health profession in our province, and I hope you will consider taking part. If you are interested, please contact me or Kae Normandeau (just to inform us so that we can keep track of our activities for the annual report), and then feel free to contact Tricia directly to arrange your participation.
As always, thank you for your support of the MNN and our outreach programs. Best wishes for a summer that contains equal parts sun and productivity!
From: Tricia Weidenbacher tweid@mtam.mb.ca
Date: 06-14-2016 8:43 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Kae Normandeau kae.normandeau@umanitoba.ca
Subject: 'MNN Speaker Bureau'
Hello Kaeleen,
I am contacting you on behalf of the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba. MTAM is a not-for-profit organization that provides the massage therapy profession with a self-regulating body to ensure the highest standards of massage training and practice, and provide protection for the public.
One of the ways we accomplish this is by holding an annual Spring Education Conference. This conference provides a means for our members to achieve some of their mandatory continuing competency credits every year.
There is a growing need for evidence based education as it relates to the field of manual therapy. Topics of interest to our members would be:
* The placebo effect * Treatment of chronic pain * Neural and fascial relationships * Posture * Repetitive strain disorders * Acupuncture * Psychological effects of chronic pain and their impact on treatment * The role of manual therapy in the rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries
I am interested in contacting Dr. Barbara Shay, Dr. Karen Ethans and Dr. Katinka Stecina to see if they have presentations that they could offer on any of these topics. I would also be appreciate if you could make recommendations of other speakers who could present information on the above topics.
Our next conference is scheduled for April 21-23, 2017 in Winnipeg at the Victoria Inn and Conference Centre.
We are looking for presenters who would be able to do 1-2 hour presentations on any of the 3 days of the conference. Our education sessions are held at various times between the hours of 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
Dr. Shay, Dr. Ethans and Dr. Stecina may contact me directly if they are interested in discussing the possibility of presenting at our conference. I welcome any other suggestions for speakers that you may have and am open to hearing options for other topics that they feel may be relevant to our members.
Thank you for your assistance.
Warm regards,
Tricia Weidenbacher, RMT Education Coordinator
Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba Inc. 304-428 Portage Avenue | Winnipeg, MB R3C 0E2 Office: 204.927.7976 | Toll-Free: 1-866-605-1433 | Fax: 204.927.7978 www.mtam.mb.ca https://owa.ad.umanitoba.ca/owa/redir.aspx?REF=L_4J8nE_N4NINRc6OZvrLJgMAtXv E7AdRq8DU96lEwAr2eYvH5bTCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm10YW0ubWIuY2E.
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