Today is the day!
Get your last-minute orders by midnight today, March 18, 2024.
Payment instructions: E-transfer is sent to uofmnursinggrad2024@outlook.com that states your name and who you sent your order form to (Trisha or Pam only) in the notes section.
Order form instructions: Please email Trisha at santost@myumanitoba.ca or Pam at nguyenp7@myumanitoba.ca your completed order sheet that includes the total number of bags per flavour and the total amount of money required. See attached documents on further instructions.
**If you do not get your e-transfer in today by midnight, your orders will NOT be processed**
Thank you to all those who have supported our fundraiser!
Best regards,
Kareena Ricafort
Spring 2024 Grad & Pinning Chair Executive
College of Nursing | University of Manitoba
Telegram: @kareenar
I acknowledge that I stand on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anishininewak, Dakota-Oyate, Dene, Inuit, and the national homeland of the Red River Metis. I am committed to continue learning about truth and reconciliation, promote healing, and aim to create a better future for all.