Today is the day!
Get your last-minute orders by midnight today, March 18, 2024.
Payment instructions: E-transfer is sent to that states your name and who you sent your order form to (Trisha or Pam only) in the notes section.
Order form instructions: Please email Trisha at or Pam at your completed order sheet that includes the total number of bags per flavour and the total amount of money required. See attached documents on further instructions.
**If you do not get your e-transfer in today by midnight, your orders will NOT be processed**
Thank you to all those who have supported our fundraiser!
Best regards,
Kareena Ricafort
Spring 2024 Grad & Pinning Chair Executive
College of Nursing | University of Manitoba
Telegram: @kareenar
I acknowledge that I stand on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anishininewak, Dakota-Oyate, Dene, Inuit, and the national homeland of the Red River Metis. I am committed to continue learning about truth and reconciliation, promote healing, and aim to create a better future for all.