Please see the message below regarding the NSA mentorship program!
Hello fellow students,
We hope exams are going well, or enjoying your break if you are already on one. My name is Feyisayo Oluyemi, I am the current Skill Mentorship Coordinator of the NSA. Along with Mariam Yusuf (Mentorship Program Chair), we will be running the Mentorship Program for the 2024- 2025 school year.
Lots of positive feedback from previous terms regarding the mentorship program has been received, and we’re hoping to get more students involved this term.
In this email, you will find information about the following:
* What is the Mentorship Program all about? * Why become a mentee? – you can be in any semester of the program! * Why become a mentor? * Past mentors– how to sign up again. * How do I become a mentee/mentor? * Upcoming program and events
What is the Mentorship Program all about? The Mentorship Program was established based on the NSA’s burning desire to help students succeed, not only in their academic pursuits but in all aspects of life. The NSA hopes that this program will impact all nursing students in a positive way by helping to build a friendly and sociable environment of skilled and reputable nursing students.
Why should you become a Mentee?
* This program is geared towards seeing YOU succeed in the College. In joining this program, you would be paired with a nursing student who is further along in the program, providing you with the opportunity to have a willing, experienced, and dedicated peer mentor that can help you as needed. It is a great opportunity to learn from another student’s experience! And you don’t have to be a new student to be a mentee—you can be in any semester of the program! We will match you with a suitable mentor who is ahead of you in the program. * The time commitment is whatever you want it to be, so you have nothing to lose by signing up! We recommend seeing your mentee for at least 3 hours per month, but it can be more or less than this depending on your desires and your mentor’s availability.
* Some benefits of having a mentor include:
Gaining knowledge and advice for a hassle-free school experience. o Gaining encouragement and support while studying. o Increasing your self-confidence o Provides an opportunity to build relationships and connect with other students. o Benefiting from others’ ideas and advice so that you may achieve excellent personal and professional growth. Why become a Mentor?
* A mentor is a guide, expert, and role model who helps develop a new or less-experienced mentee. We want our mentors to be inspirational guides who will help show less experienced students how to become successful in their academic careers and how to achieve their goals. If you are in your 2nd year 2nd term, 3rd year, or 4th year of Nursing, you qualify to be a mentor to another student in the program! * Some benefits of being a mentor include:
o Experiential Learning record from the College of Nursing and the University of Manitoba student body, as well as an entry on your CV. o Being a positive influence in the life of a fellow student. You will be a key part of their success in the College of Nursing. o Developing your communication and leadership skills. o Benefitting from a sense of fulfillment and increased self-esteem. o Providing an opportunity to build relationships and connect with other students. o Hearing fresh perspectives and learning from future members of the nursing profession.
I’ve already mentored in the past and want to sign up again. What do I do? Thank you so much! We really appreciate that you’d like to continue again as a mentor, and we very much value your past contributions to the program. We ask that you complete the Mentor Application – 2024 Summer Term, as forms are not carried on from year to year, have changed slightly, and your skillset may have changed since last year. You’re most likely confident in more areas than you were before, so we want to make sure we have the most accurate reflection of your strengths as a mentor. There is a section on the form to let us know that you’ve mentored with us in the past.
Great! How do I Sign up to be a Mentee OR Mentor? Simply complete the following steps before Friday, May 17th, 2024 at 23:59. You can start the process at any time! Right now even! Open the link provided below:
* To apply to be a mentee, fill out the form by clicking on this link here:
* To apply to be a mentor, fill out the form by clicking on this link here:
Please fill out this form, even if you’ve mentored with us in the past.
After the deadline to apply is Friday, May 17th, 2024 at 23:59, we will begin assigning mentor/mentee pairs and will send out emails containing matches.
* You can expect follow up emails from us with instructions on how to proceed throughout the semester.
Upcoming Programs and Events
* Skills Peer Mentorship Program * This program aims to better prepare students for skills development and lessen feelings of anxiety in students in the skills' lab.
For more information or questions, feel free to email Mariam(Yusufm2@myumanitoba.ca) or myself, Feyisayo (oluyemif@myumanitoba.ca) at any time.
Feyisayo Oluyemi and Mariam Yusuf Nursing Students' Association Mentorship Committee Yusufm2@myumanitoba.ca, oluyemif@myumanitoba.ca College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences University of Manitoba