Hi everyone! Our GRAD MERCH on LubDub went live last Friday!
The "secondary" listings (LULULEMON PRODUCTS) are password-protected.
Password: UOFM2024
*case sensitive
The link will be live for 14 DAYS which started on March 1st, and we only have 7 DAYS left to buy, so get yours NOW!
Then six weeks after the end of sales, each order will be packaged and labelled according to the customer's name and order number, but everything will be shipped to one of the grad committee members! We will just have to let everyone know they've arrived! But LubDub does offer individual shipping for a fee of $9.99 per order, you can pick this option on the website. Otherwise, everything will be shipped together!
1. Please ensure to scroll down below the drop-down options and images and read the entire listing information. (this will save you a lot of questions!)
1. We qualify for a discount off of their personal collection - Buy 1 Unit Piece, Get 1 Ludbub Collection item at 15% off. This will be automatically applied at checkout.
1. If you selected their new LubDub PRN lux hoodies as options for your team, please check out the size difference between their basic hoodies and the PRN lux.
If anyone has any questions, please let me custoded@myumanitoba.camailto:custoded@myumanitoba.ca, Hannah shibousa@myumanitoba.camailto:shibousa@myumanitoba.ca or Naveena thakurn@myumanitoba.camailto:thakurn@myumanitoba.ca know! Thanks! PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.
**Also, 20% of our sales go towards our fundraising funds, so send the link or QR Code (with the password for the Lululemon products) to your family or friends so they can buy the items for you too!
Sincerely, Eunice