Date: June 11th, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, ZOOM presentation.
Presenter: Ms. Stephanie Lelond, RN, MN, CHPCN(C), CNS, CancerCare Manitoba, Instructor II, College of Nursing, UM; Director-at-Large: Advocacy and Policy, Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Title: Finding new models of care to support patient centered care and improved health system management in health disparities.
ZOOM LINK: https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/67104256163?pwd=WDlFV3lQWk9QWTlvamtYVEV2K0VDZz09
Abstract: Patients with advanced cancers have been disproportionately affected by an almost 20% increase in postponed, rescheduled, or cancelled appointments related to their cancer diagnosis and treatment, compared to those diagnosed with earlier stage disease. Pancreatic, esophageal, and hepatobiliary cancers are known for heavy symptom burden and rapid disease progression necessitating expedited, rather than delayed, access to appropriate health services. CancerCare Manitoba has instituted an early palliative care program allowing access to symptom management, information on diagnosis, prognosis, potential treatment options and eligibility, health system navigation, and discussion of goals of care and advance care planning, from the time of referral to the cancer centre. This new model of care in advanced cancers began with pancreatic cancer and is expanding. Patients report an excellent standard of patient centered care and data shows decreased unwanted invasive procedures and appointments alongside increased access to the support best aligning with patients’ goals of care.
Dr. Diana E. McMillan, RN, PhD Professor, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba & Clinical Chair, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
** Please email as I am often working remotely or offsite.