From: RFHS Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies rfhsgraduatestudies@umanitoba.ca Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 10:54 AM To: Charity Pascual Charity.Pascual@umanitoba.ca; Dayo Akinola Dayo.Akinola@umanitoba.ca; Erin Langford Erin.Langford@umanitoba.ca; Jody Bohonos Jody.Bohonos@umanitoba.ca; Karla Blackwell Karla.Blackwell@umanitoba.ca; Kathyrine Weckesser Kathyrine.Weckesser@umanitoba.ca; Master of Phys Assistant Studies MPAS@umanitoba.ca; Rem Binua Rem.Binua@umanitoba.ca; Sasha Bouroundoukova Oleksandra.Bouroundoukova@umanitoba.ca; Susan Vanstone Susan.Vanstone@umanitoba.ca; Amanda Wardekker Amanda.Wardekker@umanitoba.ca; Angela Nelson Angela.Nelson@umanitoba.ca; Angela Peloquin Angela.Peloquin@umanitoba.ca; Ashley Agwatu Ashley.HansonAgwatu@umanitoba.ca; bmg admin bmgadmin@umanitoba.ca; Brenda Gerwing Brenda.Gerwing@umanitoba.ca; Fadumo Osman fadumo.osman@umanitoba.ca; Felix Hoang Felix.Hoang@umanitoba.ca; Karen Donald Karen.Donald@umanitoba.ca; Pediatric Graduate Program Admin pgpadmin@umanitoba.ca; Physiology Administration physiology@umanitoba.ca; SHANNON TURCZAK SHANNON.TURCZAK@umanitoba.ca; Tashanna Gabbidon Tashanna.Gabbidon@umanitoba.ca; Terri Martin Terri.Martin@umanitoba.ca; Tuntun Sarkar Tuntun.Sarkar@umanitoba.ca; Adnan Shah Adnan.Shah@umanitoba.ca; Billy Wiltshire Wa.Wiltshire@umanitoba.ca; Chrysi Stavropoulou Chrysi.Stavropoulou@umanitoba.ca; Donna Martin Donna.Martin@umanitoba.ca; Edward Giesbrecht Ed.Giesbrecht@umanitoba.ca; Hope Anderson Hope.Anderson@umanitoba.ca; Igor Pesun Igor.Pesun@umanitoba.ca; James Gilchrist James.Gilchrist@umanitoba.ca; Jill Stobart Jillian.Stobart@umanitoba.ca; Joanne Parsons Joanne.Parsons@umanitoba.ca; Lalitha Raman-Wilms Lalitha.Raman-Wilms@umanitoba.ca; Leslie Johnson Leslie.Johnson@umanitoba.ca; Mark Garrett Mark.Garrett@umanitoba.ca; Netha Dyck Netha.Dyck@umanitoba.ca; Rebecca Mueller Rebecca.Mueller@umanitoba.ca; Reg Urbanowski Reg.Urbanowski@umanitoba.ca; Roland Lavallee Roland.Lavallee@umanitoba.ca; Sandra Webber Sandra.Webber@umanitoba.ca; Aaron Marshall Aaron.Marshall@umanitoba.ca; atomes@hsc.mb.ca; Barbara Triggs-Raine Barbara.Triggs-Raine@umanitoba.ca; Brent Fedirchuk Brent.Fedirchuk@umanitoba.ca; Chris Anderson Chris.Anderson@umanitoba.ca; Denice Bay Denice.Bay@umanitoba.ca; Etienne Leygue Etienne.Leygue@umanitoba.ca; Evelyn Forget Evelyn.Forget@umanitoba.ca; Gabor Fischer Gabor.Fischer@umanitoba.ca; Ian Dixon Ian.Dixon@umanitoba.ca; Jason Kindrachuk Jason.Kindrachuk@umanitoba.ca; Jason Peeler Jason.Peeler@umanitoba.ca; Jennifer Protudjer Jennifer.Protudjer@umanitoba.ca; Karen Duncan Karen.Duncan@umanitoba.ca; Keith Fowke Keith.Fowke@umanitoba.ca; Krista Hardy Krista.Hardy@umanitoba.ca; Michelle Driedger Michelle.Driedger@umanitoba.ca; Neeloffer Mookherjee Neeloffer.Mookherjee@umanitoba.ca; Patricia Birk pbirk@hsc.mb.ca; Sabine Hombach-Klonisch Sabine.Hombach-Klonisch@umanitoba.ca; Sam Kung Sam.Kung@umanitoba.ca; Soheila Karimi Soheila.Karimi@umanitoba.ca; Tiina Kauppinen Tiina.Kauppinen@umanitoba.ca; Yvonne Myal Yvonne.Myal@umanitoba.ca Cc: president president@hsgsa.org; vpacademic vpacademic@hsgsa.org Subject: Invitation to the Dr. Patrick Choy Distinguished Lecture with Dr. Jeffrey Weitz
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On behalf of Health Sciences Graduate Students' Association (HSGSA)...
Hello everyone,
Health Sciences Graduate Students' Association (HSGSA) is thrilled to invite you to the upcoming Dr. Patrick Choy Distinguished Lecture 2024, featuring the esteemed guest speaker, Dr. Jeffrey Ian Weitz from McMaster University.
Dr. Jeffrey Ian Weitz:
Dr. Weitz is a Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Executive Director of the Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute, and Past President of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Board-certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Medical Oncology, Dr. Weitz focuses his clinical practice on patients with thrombotic disorders. His research spans the spectrum from basic studies in the biochemistry of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis to animal models of thrombosis and on to clinical trials of antithrombotic therapy. The breadth of his work is highlighted by his over 650 publications in journals as diverse as the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry, Circulation, Blood, Annals of Internal Medicine, Nature Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine, and Lancet. The recipient of numerous awards, Dr. Weitz was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians.
Event Details:
Date: October 29, 2024 (Tuesday)
Lecture Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM (Theatre B, Basic Medical Sciences Building)
Lunch Time: 2:00 - 2:45 PM (JBRC)
Interactive Session: 2:45 - 4.00 PM (JBRC)
Lecture Topic:
"New at XI: Moving Beyond Oral Factor Xa Inhibitors"
This is a unique opportunity to gain insights into cutting-edge cardiovascular research. We encourage you to register for the event through filling out this formhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXy9dTO3pvQKcxzywfnyLh3bduyn2anh3nNXCdmvL8cPy0vg/viewform?usp=sf_link.
The registration deadline is October 15, 2024.
NB: The tickets for the Lunch will be provided during the lecture. So, please ensure to attend the lecture to get the ticket. Additionally, if you would like the chance to have a meet and greet during the "Interactive Session" with Dr. Weitz, please indicate your interest on the registration form.
We look forward to your participation in this enlightening lecture. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the VP Academic (vpacademic@hsgsa.orgmailto:vpacademic@hsgsa.org).
Best regards, Md. Abdul Aziz VP Academic Health Sciences Graduate Students' Association PhD Student | College of Pharmacy University of Manitoba 114-727 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P4 Website: www.hsgsa.orghttp://www.hsgsa.org/