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Thank you all who participated in our current exhibition at GOSA, submission, selection and helping to setup.
Attached is a pdf file of the cost break down and my attempt to recover cost.
There are 21 photos on exhibit, with 6 photos printed but not on exhibit.
The scheme to recover the cost is as follows: $8.00 per photo that are on exhibit $5.00 per photo that are not on exhibit
This will raise $198.00, which is sufficient to cover the cost of testing, printing. as well as the cost of the hanging velcro (hardware)
Please let me know if you may have a question or two, or if you like to know the whole selection and setup process.
Errors are mine if any. Please inform me for corrections.
Payment and Timing: The photos will come down sometime next week. These photos are all yours to take home, before, during and after they are being paid; when the show is over.
If you like to pay me back before the holidays. I will have envelops on the red table in the darkroom, starting Friday Dec 15, 2017
Put the money in the envelop, sealed it and leave it in the gray cash-box. Of course,do put your name of the envelop, as a matter of fact.
Pick up the prints after the show is over. (To be updated asap)
Or, early next year is just fine by me.
Have a nice Christmas!