Hello all,
First, apologies for having to reschedule the event. The weather has just been weird but we'll work our way around it. The Meet and Greet is now on this Friday on the 27th of September, at 5PM at the Fireplace Lounge. The fireplace lounge is located just outside the bookstore.
We will introduce ourselves and then do a short photo exercise with props. A prop could be a toy or a scarf. Be creative and all shots taken should have your prop in them. This is a fun way to exercise your creativity.
We also have 3 giveaways for 2 Film SLRs and 1 point and shoot film camera. Any and all members who have joined recently and will have paid the joining fee of $20 will be entered to win one of these film cameras. If you haven't paid yet, you can pay before or after the event on Friday.
Thanks for joining the club and we'll see you soon!
Anmol Chopra
participants (1)
U of M Photo Club