Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF) June 11 - 15, 2018
[cid:2C3159E1-4EC5-4C29-AA44-73846E037A01]What is the CSHRF (and why should you care?)?
The CSHRF is a full-on, in-person connection-hack for student researchers in the health sciences. It’s aims: network, showcase and recognize excellence.
Who? About 350 students (about an even split between Manitoba and beyond) connecting across departments, faculties and nationally with top academic leadership, funders and scientists.
What? It’s an in-body meeting of minds and interests – social, without the "social media” construct… an actual connection-hack with food for the body and mind!
How? See the abstracts (note: these will be on-line on June 1) and the posters (Manitoba competition – June 11; National – June 13 – all in the Brodie) Mingle - meet the poster presenters Awards – cheer the presentations ( June 12; National June 14)… maybe pick up one yourself! Hear outstanding lectures – Drewry (June 12), Distinguished Lecture (June 13), Gairdner Symposium (June 14) Attend workshops – CIHR Career Development Workshop (June 12) and Professional Development Workshop (June 13) Take a tour – great way to meet others and add to your Winnipeg experience (hope you’ve registered). Connect with the Gairdner lecturers And, with all this activity, you’re going to need food (it’s free, but please register
Where? Here’s the schedule
Why? Don’t be a Sheldon! (and it’s all free – but please register - get’s you a name tag… and that’s your ticket!)
When? June 11 – 15, 2018
participants (1)
Jessica Fraser