Good morning,
Please be informed that we have an upcoming power shutdown in the Administration building for the Arc Flash Study project that we are in the beginning stages of coordinating. The date and time are listed below.
Sunday, February 23 from 7:00 – 11:00 am - shutdown of U8 feeder that will affect ALL power to 3 buildings – HPCC, University Centre and Administration building. There is a Server Room on L500 of Admin that will be affected.
All power to the administration building will be off and we have asked security to lockdown the affected buildings for safety and security purposes. Users should save any work and power down their devices prior to that shutdown, to be safe.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Muriel Torchia Shyjak, Project Manager at Architectural and Engineering Services (cell phone 431-336-3797)
Thank you.
Tatjana Blazevska, MPA
Manager, Office of the Associate Vice-President (Administration)
416 Administration building, 66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Phone: 204-474-8265
Email: Tatjana.Blazevska(a)<>