Dear friends of the humanities,
Here is your weekly hUManities rundown.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Pau Jenkins, UMIH, “Witchcraft, Scepticism and Trust in Early Enlightenment Scotland: A Critical Reassessment of the Decline of the Early Modern Witch-hunts”
Event Poster
Event Calendar
Thursday, January 31, 2019
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Sarah Elvins, Dept of History, “Lessons from the Food-History Lab: Thoughts on Hands-On Learning in the Humanities”
Event Poster
Event Calendar
The full Arts of Conversation Winter program can be here:
Program Poster
Featured Programming
7:00 pm Sunday, February 3, 2019—The Gas Station Art Centre, 445 River Ave.
The Local Sky Tonight: A Shawna Dempsey & Lorri Millan Performance
Event Poster
Event Calendar
External Grant Support, 2018-19 – Call for applications
While the priority deadline of January 7, 2019 has passed, this program also has a rolling deadline. Applications are therefore still being accepted.
Call Poster
For news, events and much more, follow us on Facebook and subscribe to the hUManities blog
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Programming Developer/Manager and Assistant Director
Institute for the Humanities &
Instructor, Dept. of History
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599