Dear Friends of the hUManities,
This Week: There will be no lecture this week due to the Fall Term Break. We look forward to seeing you at our lectures next week!
Upcoming UMIH Events: Why study the history of medicine, health, and healing? A case study of patient-centered medicine in the ancient Mediterranean. Kristi Upson-Saia Professor of Religious Studies, Occidental College November 18, 2019 1:00 - 2:30 pm 409 Tier Building More information can be found herehttps://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/why-study-the-history-of-medicine-health-and-healing/
"What Lies Beneath...: Emerging Trends of Intersex Representation in Popular Media" Katelyn Dykstra (UMIH, FKRM) November 21, 2019 2:30-3:30 pm 409 Tier Building
Mental Health and Norway’s Medieval Royal Court Christopher Crocker (UMIH) November 28, 2019 2:30-3:30 pm 409 Tier Building
UMIH CFPs: Intersex and the Health and Medical Humanities Edited Volume CFP (with interest from Emerald Press) Editors: Dr. Katelyn Dykstra, Dr. Shoshannah Bryn Jones Square The University of Manitoba’s Institute for the Humanities We welcome abstracts of 500 words by December 15, 2019, with full articles of 5000 words required by mid-May 2020. Submissions and questions can be directed to Drs. Dykstra and Jones Square at k.dykstra@umanitoba.ca.
UMIH is seeking proposals for our External Grant Support program. This funding source was established in order to help researchers in the Faculty of Arts who are seeking external funding for conferences, workshops, colloquia, and other local research events. This program has been devised with SSHRC Connections and SSHRC Partnership Engage grants in mind, but it is open to applicants targeting other funding agencies or organizations. Applicants are asked to contact the UMIH with the details of the grant before applying to ensure that their application can be supported under the UMIH mandate. For more information, click herehttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1765.
Other Opportunities: Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellowship in the Humanities Applicants should consult www.sfu.ca/fass/shadbolthttp://www.sfu.ca/fass/shadbolt to download the form and for more detailed information. Apply by December 18, 2019
Of Interest: Copies of CREATE: Words and Art from Women's Correctional Centre, a chapbook project supported by the UMIH, is available for purchase with donation in the UMIH office. --An online copy can be found herehttps://umhumanities.com/2019/10/08/create-words-and-art-from-wcc/. --CREATE is a project of the Manitoba Libraries Association-Prison Libraries Committee. For more info, click herehttps://mla.mb.ca/about/committees/prison-libraries-committee/.
UM Queer invites you to: Queer Pub Night! All U of M 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty welcome. Allies too! November 21, 2019 4:30 - 7:30 pm @ The Hub (Poster attached)