Dear Friends of the hUManities,
Welcome to a new week, we hope this letter meets you well.
Upcoming events: COVID-19 in Manitoba: Public Policy Responses to the First Wave, Book launch (UM Press + UMIH) Tuesday, December 1st, 2020. 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM CST This is a free ebook with twenty-seven chapters that address key aspects of the pandemic and discusses how government policy can help lay the foundation for resiliency in the midst of a continuing public-health crisis. Editors Andrea Rounce and Karine Levasseur will be joined by a long list of contributors. Details and Registrationhttps://uofmpress.ca/events/entry/covid-19-in-manitoba-virtual-launch
"WHAT DOES THE "K" STAND FOR IN K-POP? DECONSTRUCTING KOREANNESS IN K-POP" by Dr Ji-Hyun Ahn (University of Washington--Tacoma) Friday, December 4th 2020 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CST What constitutes K-pop and what is specifically Korean about K-pop? This public lecture addresses how the boundary of K-pop is made and re-made. Dr Ji-Hyun Ahn is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Washington Tacoma and a member of the Northeast Asia Council Speakers Bureau. Hosted by U of M's Asian Studies Centre. Details https://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/what-does-the-k-stand-for-in-k-pop--deconstructing-the-koreanness-in-k-pop/ Email Asian.Studies@umanitoba.camailto:Asian.Studies@umanitoba.ca for Zoom link
Opportunities: REMOTE GUEST LECTURE SUPPORT: The UMIH welcomes opportunities to spotlight teaching this term for instructors in Arts. We can provide honorarium support for a guest lecture to join your class and can assist in live streaming the event online so that it can reach a broader audience. Email hee-jungserenity.joo@umanitoba.ca for more details.
Join our VIRTUAL WRITE-ON-SITES to help keep your writing on track. Share your writing goals and tips while working alongside others. Mondays 9 am-12 pm and Thursdays 2-4 pm CST Email hee-jungserenity.joo@umanitoba.ca for Zoom links.
WEEKLY WRAP-UP: A TEACHING HAPPY HOUR is an ongoing, casual drop-in for all Arts instructors to share and discuss all things related to remote teaching this term. With special guest Jonathan Dyck. Fridays 3:30-4:30pm CST Email umih@umanitoba.camailto:umih@umanitoba.ca for Zoom link
Announcements: Congratulations to the winners of the CARE AND GROW microgrants! In partnership with MAWA and QPOC, the UMIH is proud to announce the finalists for the third round of CARE microgrants this year: Kelly Campbell Christine Brouzes Jessie Jannuska Cari-Lynn Jessica Birdwise Lecocq Erin Laye Candace Neumann Candace Lipischak melannie monoceros Renu Shonek Tiff Bartel Ryan Ad Nicole Laurendeau Mariana Munoz-Gomez Kat Nancy Albyn Carias kathleen shellrude For MAWA's original call for proposals, click Details https://mawa.ca/news/view/make-and-grow-microgrants-for-visual-artists
Please stay tuned for the launching of works by finalists from rounds 1 & 2 on the UMIH Blog.
Take care, friends.
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599