Dear friends of the humanities,
We at the Institute for the Humanities wish you a very happy and fulfilling New Year. Below are several announcements that may be of interest. Please share accordingly.
1.) The 2018-19 call for Research Affiliate, Cluster, and Graduate Fellowship applications now open
For information about each of these programs, please visit http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/humanities/
For details on how to apply, please see the attached posters.
2.) The UMIH has begun to compile student accounts explaining why they decided to study the humanities and/or social sciences, as well as why they find them important and useful. We are looking for more submissions, so if you know of any thoughtful students who may be interested in sharing their views, please invite them to do so and put them in touch with Paul Jenkins at the Institute.
For more about this initiative, please visit: https://umhumanities.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/want-to-assess-the-importance-... [https://umhumanities.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/4.jpg]https://umhumanities.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/want-to-assess-the-importance-and-value-of-a-humanities-education-ask-your-students/
Want to Assess the Importance and Value of a Humanities Education? Ask your Students – hUManitieshttps://umhumanities.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/want-to-assess-the-importance-and-value-of-a-humanities-education-ask-your-students/ umhumanities.wordpress.com The humanities, it is constantly said, are in free fall and notable only for their dramatic decline and the unremitting “crisis” confronting them. This crisis may be more apparent than real however…
3.) The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike Centenary Conference—Call for Papers
Characterized as “a world on fire” and heralded as “the year our world began,” 1919 was a year of transnational trends and revolution, when many things seemed up for grabs.
In 1919 Winnipeg was convulsed by the longest and most complete general strike in North American history. The significance and legacies of this landmark moment in history will be explored in the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike Centenary Conference.
To submit a proposal or for more details, please visit: http://1919-2019.comhttp://1919-2019.com/
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities &
Instructor, Dept. of History
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599