Dear friends of the UMIH,
In the past couple of weeks, we have become familiar with a long list of names: Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. Christian Cooper. George Floyd. Regis Korchinski-Paquet. Tony McDade. Black Lives Matter continues with its mandate, because state-sanctioned, police violence against Black bodies (including using the threat of this violence to protect white fragility) is unending in both the US and Canada.
Students and faculty affiliated with U of M's Faculty of Arts will know that there are very few BIPOC faculty in any of our departments outside of the star-studded Native Studies department, and even fewer Black faculty. The U of M is a historically white institution, and chooses to maintain itself as such. For those interested in knowing how they can help contribute to the project of racial justice right now, I pass on three pieces of advice I've learned from community organizers: One, reach out to your Black coworkers, students, and friends and check in with them. Offer support. Two, commit to hiring Black and Indigenous faculty, immediately. Three, follow and donate to one of these organizations committed to Black justice and liberation:
--Justice 4 Black Lives Rally at the Manitoba Legislature on Friday:https://www.facebook.com/events/2522942161368878/ They are also taking donations so please feel free to donate as much as you can. Email: Justice4BlackLivesWPG@gmail.commailto:Justice4BlackLivesWPG@Gmail.com (Insta: @justice4blackliveswinnipeg)mailto:Justice4BlackLivesWPG@Gmail.com --Black Lives Matter (Toronto): https://blacklivesmatter.ca/ --Queer and Trans People of Colour (Winnipeg): qpoc204@gmail.com (Insta: @qpocwinnipeg) --Black Visions Collective (Minneapolis): https://www.blackvisionsmn.org/ --Reclaim the Block (Minneapolis): https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home --The Action Network, Louisville Community Bail Fund (Louisville, Kentucky): https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/louisville-community-bail-fund/
For folks interested in local prison abolition and police abolition organizations: --Bar None Winnipeg: https://barnonewpg.org/ --Winnipeg Police Cause Harm: wpgpolicecauseharm@gmail.commailto:%0dwpgpolicecauseharm@gmail.com%0d (Insta: @wpgpoliceharm)mailto:%0dwpgpolicecauseharm@gmail.com%0d
https://barnonewpg.org/https://barnonewpg.org/ The UMIH renews its commitment to showcasing and prioritizing research related to BIPOC histories and perspectives in the new year. Our annual report will be available for all on our website very soon. Please watch out for updates on programming for Asian Canadian communities in Winnipeg and unpacking our complacency in antiblackness. If you have ideas for programming related to any aspect of the events unfolding in the US and Canada, please feel free to reach out.
Stay safe and take care of one another, Serenity
*************************************************************************************************************************************************** This week's UMIH Events & Opportunities:
Monday and Thursday morning Write-On-Sites have been re-rebranded to Write-ON-LINES. Write-on-sites have gone virtual to prioritize public health and safety while still maintaining our sense of connection during these isolating times. Virtual write-on-sites will continue every Monday and Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm. Everyone is welcome to write together, apart. Please email Serenity at: joo@cc.umanitoba.ca for the Zoom invite.
Ins and Outs of the MA Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships for Social Sciences and Humanities
Who Can Join: Any prospective or incoming Master’s student in the Social Sciences or Humanities’ disciplines (note the award is given by the federal government and can only be claimed by Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.)
When: Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7:00PM CT – 8:30PM CT
Where: Zoom (the URL and joining instructions will be mailed to you once you sign up via Eventbrite) by June 9th.
How: Sign up for FREE here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/how-to-write-a-bombardier-sshrc-grant-tickets-10...
Questions?: Run by the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba, Email cdss@umanitoba.ca mailto:cdss@umanitoba.ca
Faculty of Arts COVID-19 UM Student Emergency Fund
Thanks to the generous donations of our faculty members and the Dean's Office, the Faculty of Arts COVID-19 UM Student Emergency Fund was launched May 12, 2020.
This fund, in the form of a bursary, provides financial support to Arts undergraduate and graduate students directly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The one-time, direct-deposit funds are available to full-time or part-time students registered in the 2019/20 academic year.
Visit the webpagehttps://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/awards/emergency-fund.html for information on funding amounts, pre-screening criteria and access to the application form.
The Manitoba Law Journal Calls for Submissions:
Edition #1
In honour of the Retirement of Professor DeLloyd J. Guth, this edition will also feature a special section on the “Guth Legal History Lecture Series”. The scope of this issue focuses on the law and the legal profession, emphasizing histories of major developments in Manitoba law and its Bar, as well as the rapid evolution of legal practice here in the province. Generally, all submissions pertaining to the developments and progression of Manitoba’s legal history are welcomed.
Edition #2
Underneath the Golden Boy is an annual special issue of the Manitoba Law Journal that addresses issues of legislation, democratic and parliamentary reform and public policy. Please visit our website http://themanitobalawjournal.comhttp://themanitobalawjournal.com/ to find information about our mission, standards and accomplishments, and to read our past publications. We have welcomed contributions from many disciplines, including at the University of Manitoba, and from scholars at various stages including graduate-level students. Submissions fewer than 10,000 words are generally preferred, Chicago Manual of Style for humanities generally and the McGill Guide to Uniform Legal Citation for law papers. We consider submissions on a rolling basis, but will aim to publish for this year’s issue contributions received by June 19. Submissions are accepted in English or French.
With the university closure, UMIH is maintaining regular office hours from home, Monday-Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. Please send an email if you have any questions. Or if you have an idea for humanities-related programming and you want some help getting it off the ground. The UMIH voicemail is also being checked regularly if you prefer to call.
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599