Dear friends of the humanities,
Here is your weekly rundown of news and events.
11 February, 2019 – 1:30-3:30 pm
Pop-up Restoration Coffeehouse—Experience a 1660s coffeehouse in 2019. Join us for skits, dramatic readings, informational and satirical pamphlets and FREE hot coffee and tea.
Event Posterhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1404
Event Calendarhttps://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/pop-up-restoration-coffeehouse/
11 February, 2019 – 6:00 pm – U of M Black History Month event:
409 Tier Building
Screening of the NFB film, The Ninth Floorhttps://www.nfb.ca/film/ninth_floor/
Free Registration - Event Calendarhttps://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/black-history-month---screening-of-nfb-film-the-ninth-floor/
All welcome
Thursday, February 14, 2019
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Christopher Crocker, University of Iceland, “Narrating Disability Before Disability: Embodied Impairment in the Medieval Icelandic Sagas”
Event Posterhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1426
Thursday, February 21, 2019
7:00 pm, aceartinc., 2-290 McDermot Ave
“Imaginative Spaces: A Public Discussion”
Mariana Muñoz Gomez and Gurpreet Sehra, members of the UMIH Citing, Collecting, Curating (CCC) research cluster, will engage in conversation with local artists Francesca Carella Arfinengo and Luther Konadu around themes of citation, archive, and imaginative practices.
Friday, February 15, 2019
6:00 pm, X-Cues Café & Lounge, 551 Sargent Ave.
QPOC Winnipeg presents Drop the Mic #9, Featuring Queen Sheeba & Local Black Artists
Facebook Event Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/events/361556151095977/
UMIH Call for Affiliate, Cluster and Graduate Fellowship applications for the 2019-20 academic year.
Affiliate Applicationhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1423
Cluster Applicationhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1424
Grad Fellowship Applicationhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1425
For news, reviews, events and much more, subscribe to the hUManities bloghttps://umhumanities.com/
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Programming Developer/Manager and Assistant Director
Institute for the Humanities &
Instructor, Dept. of History
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599