Dear Friends of the hUManities,
We hope this email meets you well,
Project Launch: CARE Microgrant Projects Rounds 1 & 2 Launch: The UMIH is thrilled to announce the exciting launch of the Care Microgrant Projects rounds 1 & 2 on our blog! In collaboration with QPOC and MAWA, we received heartfelt, beautiful and generous creative endeavors from students and community members who engaged the multiple dimensions of care during Covid-19. Please visit the UMIH Bloghttps://umhumanities.com/category/blog/community-projects/ for details & submissions by finalists. Event Recap: #FreeThemAll - Online panel discussion (UMIH + Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba Inc with OPK, Bar None Winnipeg, MLA-Prison Libraries Committee & Strength in the Circle) Friday, December 4th 2020. Thank you, everyone, who attended the online panel discussion on the conditions of confinement in provincial and federal institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Folks who missed the event will be able to access video documentation shortly through Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba's Facebook page. Stay tuned for more details.
Opportunities: REMOTE GUEST LECTURE SUPPORT: The UMIH welcomes opportunities to spotlight teaching this term for instructors in Arts. We can provide honorarium support for a guest lecture to join your class and can assist in live streaming the event online so that it can reach a broader audience. Email hee-jungserenity.joo@umanitoba.ca for more details.
Join us for our last VIRTUAL WRITE-ON-SITE of the term. Share your writing goals and tips while working alongside others. Thursdays 2-4 pm CST
Take care, friends.
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599