Fw: UMIH newsletter (October 26, 2020): Weekly Wrap Up: A Teaching Happy Hour - First session Friday 30th!
Dear Friends of the hUManities,
I'll like to start by formally introducing myself. My name is Ekene Maduka and I will be working with the UMIH going forward as the new administrator. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all.
Please join us this week for the long-anticipated Weekly Wrap Up: A Teaching Happy Hour. Ongoing, casual drop-ins for all Arts instructors to share and discuss tips, strategies, and all things related to remote teaching this term. With special guest, Jonathan Dyck. These sessions will be hosted Friday afternoons from 3:30-4:30 PM with our first starting this Friday, October 30th, 2020. Please email umih@umanitoba.camailto:umih@umanitoba.ca for the Zoom link. See attachment for the temporary event poster.
Of Interest: PUBLIC LECTURE BY R.F. KUANG The Poppy War in Context: Asian American Speculative Fiction: A public lecture by speculative fiction and fantasy writer R.F. Kuang, on her award-winning novel, The Poppy War. Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at 11:30 AM UTC-05 – 1 PM UTC-05 Please see the link below for more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/342887140494555/?active_tab=about
Other Events: Join us Mondays and Thursdays for Write-on-Site. A space curated to foster and support collective productivity while working in isolation. Please see links and times for scheduled meetings below.
UMIH Write on Site (Mondays) 9 AM -12 PM https://zoom.us/j/95230777522?pwd=Rmo0NTNiQlN3Q2Ewd2RwMm9hdlRIZz09 Meeting ID: 952 3077 7522 Passcode: 143447
UMIH Write on Site (Thursdays) 2 PM - 4 PM https://zoom.us/j/97114538007?pwd=YlBuc1dvYWt3MTMyMzVJMnljaTFQZz09 Meeting ID: 971 1453 8007 Passcode: 897883
Take care, friends
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities