Dear friends of the humanities,
Here is a rundown of upcoming events and announcements.
Tuesday, October 2—TOMORROW
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Graduate Student Grant Writing Workshop
Panel: Len Kuffert (Grad Chair, History), Erin Keating (Dept ETFM), David Watt (past-Director, UM Institute for the Humanities.
Event Posterhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1260
Thursday, October 4 – Arts of Conversation
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Etienne-Marie Lassi (Dept of French, Spanish and Italian), “Environmental/Ecological Issues And The Aesthetics Of Detective Novels In Francophone Africa”
Event Posterhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1272
Thursday, October 11 – Arts of Conversation
2:30 pm, 409 Tier Building
Michael Sampson (Dept of Classics), “He Makes The Sort Of Marriage By Which He Is At Some Point Upset”: Myth And Misdirection In Prometheus Bound”
Event Posterhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1273
Monday, October 15 – Public Lecture
7:00 PM, Carol Shields auditorium, Millennium Library, 251 Donald St
Tracy Bear (University of Alberta), “Red Erotic: The Fall and Rise of Indigenous Erotica”
Wednesday, October 17 – Arts of Conversation
Doors 6:30 pm, Good Will Social Club, 625 Portage Ave.
Tipi Confessionshttps://www.facebook.com/tipiconfessions/: Sexy storytelling, performances, and anonymous audience confessions. Sex, (almost) everybody does it and (almost) nobody talks about it — except at Tipi Confessions.
Tuesday, November 6 – Workshop Series—Register Today
10:30-4:00 – 409 Tier Building
PhDs That Work: Finding Success in an Uncertain Job Market,
with Maren Wood and Jennifer Polk of Beyond the Professoriate
Event Posterhttps://umhumanities.com/#jp-carousel-1288
Free registration at https://umhumanities.com
For news, events and much more, follow us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/UMIHumanities/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel&eid=ARDm8FHVJDdkcI1W2NnHa5ob96HceGKTbDYmh78h82y7lx9YQZjF3jYBOzOXDrwOswJHUCiyjwt5We7a and subscribe to the hUManities bloghttps://umhumanities.com/
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities &
Instructor, Dept. of History
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities