UMIH events this week

Dear friends of the humanities,
Please join us this week for our final installment of our Arts of Conversation series for the 2019-20 academic year:
Thursday, March 28, 2019 Celiese Lypka, UMIH, "Self-Indifference: Rejecting Self-Preservation as a Feminist Act" 2:30pm, 409 Tier Building
SELF-INDIFFERENCE: REJECTING SELF-PRESERVATION AS A FEMINIST ACT – hUManities All are welcome! As well, here are other UMIH-related activities going on around our campus and our city this week:
Thursday, March 28, 2019 The Next 150 Years: A Public Conversation about the City of Winnipeg Archives Panelists include Thomas Nesmith, Michel Lagacé, Sabrina Janke, Jesse Green, Angelina McLeod, and more 7pm-9pm, 200 Arlington Street (Old Grace Housing Co-op)
Presented by the Association for Manitoba Archives, with support from U of W History, U of M History, UMIH, and U of M Faculty of Arts
Friday, March 29h, 2019 Roundtable: Latin America at the Crossroads: From the Pink Tide to the Return of the Right Panelists include Julia Buxton (Central European University), Wilder Robles (Brandon University), Julie Gibbings (University of Manitoba), and Jorge Nállim (University of Manitoba) 2:30pm, 118 St. John's College
This event is co-sponsored by the UMIH, the Research Cluster on Power and Resistance in Latin America, and the Geopolitical Economy Research Group.
The full Arts of Conversation Winter program can be found here: Program Poster
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities