UMIH Newsletter : Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 - "More Than Just Food: Culinary Archives of the Middle East" by Salma Serry (U of Toronto) : Tuesday, March 12th at 11:00 AM online

Dear friends of the Humanities,
Upcoming Events: More Than Just Food: Culinary Archives of the Middle East by Salma Serry (U of Toronto) The Food Matters Research Cluster with U-Manitoba and U-Winnipeg's Departments of History Tuesday, March 12th from 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM CT online Salma Serry will continue discussions on her work surrounding themes of the intersection of food history, culture, and arts. Salma Serry is a food history researcher, artist, and filmmaker, pursuing a PhD in History at University of Toronto. She is also the founder of @Sufra_Archive, a digital library and social media platform dedicated to West Asian and North African food history and culture. She was recently awarded the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) and Arab Council for Social Sciences grant for her ongoing project that documents culinary ephemera from the region. Zoom webinar link coming soon.
Cosponsored Events: Disability, Revolution? Access, Intersectionality, and Resistance in Disability Culture Dr. Robert Mcruer (Professor, George Washington University) Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Office of Equity Transformation Wednesday, March 6th from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM in 409 Tier Building Dr. McRuer discusses the idea of “one-dimensional disability,” a disability identity that does not consider solidarity with other movements for social justice. In opposition to this, McRuer considers the vibrancy, intersectionality, and multi-dimensionality of social justice movements which actively seek solidarity across a range of differences, namely MadPride, disability justice, and Queercrip culture. Please see the event poster for more details. To join online, use the following Zoom Meeting Link Recurring Events: The Writing Room hosted by the Writing Towards a Just World Research Cluster Tuesdays until the end of April from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Room 206 St. John’s College Please feel welcome to join in and invite Colleagues, Students, Faculty etc. to this writing-focused space scheduled every Tuesday until the end of April. For more details email:
Call for Applications: 2024 - 2025 UMIH Graduate Fellowship, Research Affiliate, & Research Cluster Applications Deadline: April 29th The UMIH calls for applications for the 2024 -25 Graduate Fellowship, Research Clusters, and Research Affiliates are now open! These are unique opportunities designed by the Institute to support scholars doing important research in the humanities. Visit the UMIH webpage for more details on how to apply for each call. Please see the attached posters for requirements. All questions can be addressed to: Of Interest: Polic(ing) in Schools: A Community Conversation Faculty of Education with University of Winnipeg Department of Criminal Justice Studies Friday, March 14th at 6 PM CT in the University of Winnipeg, Leatherdale Hall: 515 Portage Ave This community conversation will focus on the impacts of police(ing) in schools and how we can work toward community-led, evidence-based solutions that keep our communities safe. Andrea Vásquez Jiménez from the national Policing Free Schools campaign will present and be joined by Winnipeg community leaders to discuss the impacts, consequences, and alternatives to police in Winnipeg schools. Please email Joe Curnow for more details:
Take care, friends
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities