UMIH Newsletter - March 27th 2023 - April 6th @ 2:30 PM CT -"Here Comes the Author: Exploring Authorship on Social Media" by Jessie Krahn in Room 409 Tier Building

Dear friends of the hUManities,
Welcome to a new week
A few FREE copies of Eternity Marti's memoir are still available for pick up in our office. Please email to request one.
Copies are first come, first serve, with priority given to BIPOC community members.
Upcoming events:
Here Comes the Author: Exploring Authorship on Social Media
Thursday, April 6th at 2:30 - 4:00 PM CT
In-person at 409 Tier boardroom
This lecture explores the ways notions of authorship change in social media. By watching YouTube videos about public cancellations for moral missteps, TikTok memes about cats, and Twitch streams of people just hanging out in chairs, this lecture will examine the ways that authors' interactions with their audiences arise in the composition of internet media. See the attached poster for more on Jessie's research and this lecture.
Weekly Write-on-Sites
Tuesdays at 2:30 PM CT in 409 Tier Building:
The Institute welcomes interested Faculty, Students, and Staff to join weekly Write-on-Sites. This program is a writing hour to focus on writing goals through collective accountability. Join us Tuesdays from 2:30 - 4:30 PM CT in 409 Tier. Queries: umih@umanitoba.ca
Open Calls:
Call for Applications for the 2023 - 2024 UMIH Grad Fellowship, Research Affiliates, & Research Clusters:
Deadline: April 28th, 2023
The UMIH call for applications for the 2023-24 Graduate Fellow, Research Clusters, and Research Affiliates are now open! These are unique opportunities designed by the Institute to support scholars doing pivotal research in the humanities. Visit the UMIH webpage for more details on how to apply for each call. Please address questions regarding applications to: umih@umanitoba.ca
Of Interest:
International Multidisciplinary Conference 2023 - Call for Paper
Deadline: April, 14th 2023
All interested Students and Scholars are welcome to participate in the International Multidisciplinary Conference “Main Challenges and Issues of University Education in War Conditions: Ukraine – 2022”. This conference will contribute to international communication between students and scholars on the global level facing new challenges. It will serve as a highlight of central issues of study, training, teaching and scholarship. This conference will also help students and scholars in need to be heard and supported. The conference date is the 27th of April. Please see the attached poster for more information.
Take care, friends
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
[cid:c4aca98d-77ad-40a6-b842-db76792ac4f5][cid:95e812ee-88f2-4470-8ae2-eb2a5ae3cc88][cid:54239ddd-da99-4d72-948f-6bb25b5e59da] Dear Sender, allow a moment for me to take a look at your email with enough time and care. Please also be aware of my new hybrid work schedule: I am available in the remote office on Mondays and Fridays from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM and in person at 407 Tier, Tuesdays - Thursdays from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Thank you kindly (:
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities