Monday, March 18th 2024 : UMIH Newsletter - "Standing in Solidarity with Palestine : A roundtable for students, staff, and faculty interested in supporting Palestinian Liberation" on Thursday, March 21st, 2:30pm-4:00pm in room 408 Tier Building

Dear friends of the Humanities,
Jonathan Hildebrand's Fellowship presentation is rescheduled to April 4th from 2:30 - 4:30 PM. More details to follow soon. We look forward to seeing you at Amal Majumder's presentation on the 26th of March.
Upcoming Events: UMIH and F4P present Standing in Solidarity with Palestine : A Roundtable for Students, Staff, and Faculty Interested in Supporting Palestinian Liberation Thursday, March 21st, 2:30 PM - 4:00PM Room 408 Tier Building Speakers and their topics: Dr Julie Guard (Labour Studies), on the necessity of political protest ; Dr Mark Libin (ETFM), on antisemitism and anti-Zionism ; Hussein Chokr (student), on student activism. This roundtable is also in collaboration with the following guest organizations: Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba, Diversity4Palestine, Queers4Palestine, Canadians for a Free Palestine, and others! Organization representatives will introduce their groups and provide information on how to get involved. Please see the attached poster for further details. Contact:
UMIH Graduate Fellowship Presentation by Amal Majumder (ETFM) An Anthroposcenic Aesthetic: A Critical Reading of the Poetics and Politics of Oil Extractions in Kate Beaton’s Ducks vis a vis Edward Burtynky’s Oil Series Photographs Tuesday, March 26th, from 2:30 - 4:30 PM Room 409 Tier Building In this presentation, Amal will examine Kate Beaton’s graphic novel Ducks, complementing it with an analysis of Edward Burtynsky’s oil series photographs. Beaton’s recollection of the part of her life spent in the extraction sites in north-eastern Alberta and its artwork that complements the tone and narrative content of the memoir de-aestheticizes and de-mythologizes the narrative of “progress and development” that are often passed as the natural course of human existence and even aestheticized by the popular culture and the literary and artistic tradition in which Burtynsky’s work allegedly takes part. By examining the differing perspectives and forms of these two texts, Amal aims to provide a critical understanding of the impact of the sheer scale of extractive practices on human lives and ways. Recurring Events: The Writing Room hosted by the Writing Towards a Just World Research Cluster Tuesdays until the end of April from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Room 206 St. John’s College Please feel welcome to join in and invite Colleagues, Students, Faculty etc. to this writing-focused space scheduled every Tuesday until the end of April. For more details email:
Call for Applications: 2024 - 2025 UMIH Graduate Fellowship, Research Affiliate, & Research Cluster Applications Deadline: April 29th, 2024 The UMIH calls for applications for the 2024 -25 Graduate Fellowship, Research Clusters, and Research Affiliates are now open! These are unique opportunities designed by the Institute to support scholars doing important research in the humanities. Visit the UMIH webpage for more details on how to apply for each call. Please see the attached posters for requirements. All questions can be addressed to:
Take care, friends
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities