Upcoming UMIH events: Synonym Art Consultation on Collaboration and Community Art!
Dear Friends of the hUManities,
This week we are delighted to have Synonym Art Consultation in the house speaking on Col[lab]oration: experiments in community art Join us Thursday, March 5, 2020 2:30 - 3:30 pm 409 Tier Building For more information, click herehttps://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/collaboration---experiments-in-community-art/.
We're hosting Write On Sites every Monday and Thursday from 9 am - 12 pm in 409 Tier. Drop in to work on your writing projects in a community environment. For more information, click herehttps://eventscalendar.umanitoba.ca/site/arts/event/write-on-sites-17/.
For an overview of our upcoming programming for Winter term, check out our events at a glance poster herehttps://umhumanities.com/2020/01/06/welcome-back/!
Upcoming UMIH Events: The Fox Lady's Gamble: Embodied Solidarities and the Speculative Tao Larissa Lai Thursday, March 12, 2020 2:30 - 3:30 pm 409 Tier Building
UMIH Supported Events: Bauhaus (Canada) 101 The School of Art Gallery at the University of Manitoba, Curated by Dr. Oliver A. I. Botar Exhibition: February 13, 2020 to March 27, 2020 The School of Art Gallery is pleased to present Bauhaus (Canada) 101, the only major exhibition in Canada to celebrate the centenary of the Bauhaus, the legendary German design school. This exhibition provides a crash course on the Bauhaus, founded in 1919. It offers insight into the school’s influence on Canadian architecture, furniture design, graphic design, art and pedagogy. For more information, click herehttps://www.umanitoba.ca/schools/art/Bauhaus_101.html. Laughter is Medicine: A Youth Comedy Night! Saturday, March 14, 2020 7:00-11:00 pm West End Cultural Centre 586 Ellice Ave. For more information, click herehttps://www.facebook.com/events/192123972131820/.
UMIH Research Affiliate, Murray Leeder, will be presenting the keynote at this year's Supernatural Studies Annual Conference The third annual conference will take place in New Rochelle, NY Friday March 20, 2020 For more information, click herehttps://www.supernaturalstudies.com/conference.
Other Opportunities and events: "Personal Strategies for Improving Your Research Productivity" Stu Clark Distinguished Speaker Series Dr. Céleste Grimard Drake Centre, Room 108 Friday, March 6, 2020 2:40-3:40 pm
Faculty and graduate students are invited to submit proposals for the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS) “Translation and Appropriation in the Long Eighteenth Century” to be held in Winnipeg October 21-24, 2020. Cary Miller, Native Studies is one of the three plenary speakers at the event. Deadline for submission of individual papers is March 15, 2020. Please visit the webpage for full information in both English and French: https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/English_theatre_film_media/a....
Plug In ICA 2020 Summer Institutes are now accepting applications!
The Summer Institute is an international artist research program for professional artists and cultural workers in all disciplines and media.
Summer Institute I: SPARKLE PLANET: We have lift-off! will be led by Toronto-based artist Tau Lewis, and will run from July 13 to 24, 2020. Participants will build and create with a focus on non-traditional methods of physical and conceptual construction.
Summer Institute II: Water Knowledge will be led by social practice artist KC Adams. This residency is about passing on water knowledge bundles to better understand our relationship with water. The residency is open to visual artists, writers, critics and scholars who identify as women and non-binary and will run from August 17th to August 28th, 2020. https://plugin.org/summer-institute/
Session I: SPARKLE PLANET: We have lift-off! | https://plugin.org/?nltr=MTMwOzE5MjU7aHR0cHM6Ly9wbHVnaW4ub3JnL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDIwLzAyL1Nlc3Npb24tSV9BcHBsaWNhdGlvbi1Gb3JtX05FVy5wZGY7OzZlZmRjNDlhZTk3ODk0YmI3NjU5NmVhNTY1OWUwMzFl Apply Nowhttps://plugin.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Session-I_Application-Form_NEW.pdf
Session II: Water Knowledge | https://plugin.org/?nltr=MTMwOzE5MjU7aHR0cHM6Ly9wbHVnaW4ub3JnL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDIwLzAyL1Nlc3Npb24tSUlfQXBwbGljYXRpb24tRm9ybV9ORVcucGRmOztlNzA5YzVjMWU3YTJiNDI4YzM2NTRlMGM3MDRmZWNkYg%3D%3D Apply Nowhttps://plugin.org/?nltr=MTMwOzE5MjU7aHR0cHM6Ly9wbHVnaW4ub3JnL3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDIwLzAyL1Nlc3Npb24tSUlfQXBwbGljYXRpb24tRm9ybV9ORVcucGRmOztlNzA5YzVjMWU3YTJiNDI4YzM2NTRlMGM3MDRmZWNkYg%3D%3D
Institute for the Humanities University of Manitoba 407 Tier Building 204 474 9599 umih@umanitoba.camailto:umih@ad.umanitoba.ca umanitoba.ca/institutes/humanitieshttp://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/humanities
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities