Good afternoon,
There is a scheduled outage planned for the UM Plan system commencing on September 20th at 4:30pm.
During this time the UM Plan system will NOT be available. Please ensure that you log off and save any changes on Friday, September 20th by 4:30PM.
The outage is required to migrate the UM Plan system to newer technology. This will not affect any features or functions in UM Plan for budgeting.
We anticipate that system access will be restored by Monday, September 23rd at 8:00am.
If you have any questions, please contact the UM Plan Help and Support at UMPlan@umanitba.camailto:UMPlan@umanitba.ca or call me on MS Teams. Thank you for your co-operation. Aurora Finance
Robert Bazzocchi Systems Admin & Functional Analyst Financial Systems Call me on Teams!https://teams.microsoft.com/l/call/0/0?users=%3cRobert.Bazzocchi@umanitoba.ca%3e