Good Afternoon,
The following is a status update regarding the data issue with the 2.10 Non_Employee Based Compensation Costs form.
After further investigation it was determined that an issue occurred on November 15th which caused the loss of data entered in the 2.10 Non_Employee Based Compensation Costs form. The data has now been restored using a backup copy from November 13th.
However, any data entered between November 13-19 will need to be checked and possibly manually re-entered. To assist with this process, those that are affected will receive a follow-up email containing an Audit report that includes a listing identifying the data that was affected. The follow-up email will be sent out tomorrow morning.
If you do not receive a follow up email and audit report, no further action is required for your units on this issue.
If you have an questions please contact Aurora Finance.
Thank you for your co-operation. Aurora Finance Team
Robert Bazzocchi Systems Admin & Functional Analyst Financial Systems 416 Administration Building
Phone: (204) 474-7055 Aurora Finance Websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/computing/renewal/aurora/finance/index.html
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From: Robert Bazzocchi Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 8:44 AM To: 'umplan-clients@lists.umanitoba.ca' Subject: Non-Employee Based Compensation Costs
Attention UM Plan staff:
It has come to our attention that there is an issue that has been identified with data entered in the 2.10 Non-Employee Based Compensation Costs form (purple tile) as shown below. Please refrain from making any entries until further notice. Recovery efforts are under way.
If you have any questions, please contact Aurora Finance.
Thank you for your co-operation. [cid:image002.jpg@01D59EB5.27122F30]
Robert Bazzocchi Systems Admin & Functional Analyst Financial Systems 416 Administration Building
Phone: (204) 474-7055 Aurora Finance Websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/computing/renewal/aurora/finance/index.html
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