FW: Seeking Endorsements of Open Letter to Parliamentarians on C-15

Dear all CAHRI associates/friends,
Please see below and attached an appeal for support/endorsements regarding Bill C-15. Great if we could all support this – perhaps even as an association?
In respect of the last idea (a shared endorsement), I hereby take the liberty to propose that, if no one objects by mid-day this Friday, I will inform the initiators of the letter that we/CAHRI, as an association, support it. I believe this is safe in so far as surely we all share the idea that Canada should respect and implement all UN human rights instruments (of course those we have expressly stated our intention to do so, like the UNDRIP).
With a federal election likely later this year, and an uncertain outcome, God forbid that Bill C-15 would be the second and last opportunity for a while to bring UNDRIP into Canadian law.
Please respond on your own individual and/or institution’s behalf as indicated below (to Craig Benjamin).
Thanks for your attention and action.
Best wishes, John
Prof. John Packer Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution Professeur Neuberger-Jesin sur la résolution de conflits internationaux Directeur, Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa Et/and Faculté de droit | Faculty of Law Pavillon Fauteux Hall 57 Louis-Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 Canada Tél. | Tel: +1 613-562-5800 (3462) Téléc. | Fax: +1 613-562-5124 jpacker@uottawa.camailto:jpacker@uottawa.ca @JP_Peacemaking www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.cahttp://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca
From: Alex Neve alexneve24@gmail.com Sent: March 3, 2021 11:04 AM To: Alex Neve alexneve24@gmail.commailto:alexneve24@gmail.com
I expect that you, like me, are closely and anxiously following developments with respect to Bill C-15, the legislation tabled by the government in December which will lead to implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canadian law. While it is supported by the government, NDP and Bloc, its passage is not necessarily assured. Other Bills compete for attention in the House, there may be obstruction again in the Senate (remember the fate of C-262 in 2019) and there is always the uncertain looming possibility of an election before it is passed.
I have, therefore, signed on to the attached Open Letter, which has been drafted by the coalitionhttps://www.declarationcoalition.com/ of Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups that have been working together on matters related to the UN Declaration for many years. It will be sent to the government soon, urging that passage of C-15 be a top priority for all MPs and Senators.
If you individually and/or your organization would like to add your name, please follow up with my colleague Craig Benjamin at craig.s.benjamin@gmail.commailto:craig.s.benjamin@gmail.com . Let Craig know how you would like your name/title/affiliation to appear. There is no need for electronic signatures.
And please do share this with other colleagues or groups you think would be supportive.
Thank you for considering this. It is so very important and is very much our collective responsibility.
All the best,
Alex Neve (pronouns, he/him) Honoured to live, work and advocate for human rights from the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg people
Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa Adjunct Professor, Faculties of Law, University of Ottawa and Dalhousie University
alexneve24@gmail.commailto:alexneve24@gmail.com +1 613 852 3927 @alexneve24
participants (1)
Frederick John Packer