The University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries and the Winnipeg Public Library have partnered to create a consumer health resource called CHECKUP: http://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/consumerhealth
For Immediate Release January 8, 2013
New Consumer Health Information Project launched
Winnipeg Public Library and the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries have collaborated on a new online Consumer Health Information resource - CHECKUP.
CHECKUP provides consumer health information to make informed decisions about your own or your family's health. Access to this information helps you to work with health care professionals to make choices that are right for you. The one-stop resource hosts reliable information on a wide array of topics, including featured health topics of diabetes, addictions and breast cancer.
The site also features:
* Suggested resources from both the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries and Winnipeg Public Library collections. * Book summaries and one-click links to both catalogues for placing requests and holds. * References to the Winnipeg Public Library and the University of Manitoba's consumer health databases for in-depth research including Winnipeg Public Library's Consumer Health Complete, a database of 700 health and fitness magazines, clinical reports, alternative health, drug information, medical encyclopedias and popular reference works. * A directory of community hotlines and wellness organizations to further support your health needs. * A Twitter feed provides timely consumer health related topics of interest.
CHECKUP is online at libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/consumerhealth or through Winnipeg Public Library at wpl.winnipeg.ca/library/consumerhealth/.
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Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS, AHIP Outreach Services Librarian MHIKNET Library Services Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba email: orvie_dingwall@umanitoba.camailto:orvie_dingwall@umanitoba.ca phone: 204.977.5660 cell: 204.227.5749 website: http://mhiknet.lib.umanitoba.ca/
participants (1)
Orvie Dingwall