Chiming in to agree with Julie.
On Apr 16, 2019, at 2:55 PM, Julie Guard <> wrote:
Thanks Krishna. That’s very helpful. My immediate thought is that if she’s slightly uncomfortable with live streaming, we should not do it. Why not make the presentation available on digital media and let Jane evaluate it before it goes live? If she’s finding her way in this area – I would be – let’s cut her some slack, plan for worst-case situations, and let her decide. julie
From: [] On Behalf Of Krishna Lalbiharie Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:43 PM To: Subject: [1919-Conference] JANE MCALEVEY RE: FILMING DURING HER PRESENTATION/LIVE-STREAMING
Read her comments below.
She’s fine with filming, but also asks that we clip soundbitey bits from the larger piece for social media uploads.
She says, overall, that she “really doesn’t care” re: live-streaming, but slightly prefers if we don’t.
Krishna 204.899.8687 Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message: From: "Jane McAlevey" <> Date: April 16, 2019 at 4:52:20 AM CDT To: "'Krishna Lalbiharie'" <> Subject: something about video I haven’t even looked at the flights you sent, sure they are fine.
I slightly prefer you don’t live stream, but rather, tape and make it available on line later. On the other hand, I don’t really care. What I do ask is that whoever does the video makes themselves available to me for 2-3 small versions of 2-3 minutes of my choosing, shortly after the event. Meaning, I am starting to get these little video snippets that people apparently find useful by asking groups that tape me to let me look at it, pick the best points I make, and, post them to twitter and on my website. For Twitter, it’s max 2 minute clips (Jane learning this shit later in life is so annoying). But if there’s a good point made that might be valuable for the masses, it might be up to 5 minutes and posted on my website.
IF that’s OK, that whoever your person is does it, great.
And if you and the committee reeeeallly want it live streamed, that’s OK, too.
Not really breathing till May 3.
www.janemcalevey.com @rsgexp
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