Paul and Sharon are the people to ask about any details of the bus tour. Nolan Reilly has been working on a schedule so that the busses visit different sites at different times to avoid bottle necks. We can fine tune departure time at our meeting tomorrow. Good news on the potential grant.
James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.camailto:Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/https://people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
From: 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca On Behalf Of Amber Ostermann Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:59 AM To: 1919-conference@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: [1919-Conference] Questions regarding Saturday Bus Tours
Good morning:
I am confirming some information with Winnipeg Transit regarding the booking that Paul Jenkins originally made for us. (This booking has been switched to my name.)
Can someone please confirm for me this morning the following timeline:
* 12:30 pm - roundtable ends
* Is there lunch following the roundtable and before we board buses? If so, what's the time range?
* The online program indicates bus tour is 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm.
* What time do we actually want to DEPART from UofW?
* How long is the actual tour?
* This will then determine our return time to UW.
I will take this info and add in unloading time and time to and from the garage for the buses so that we can get a clearer estimate for this cost - as the driver time portion of the estimate/payment is logged from the time they leave the garage to the time they return.
I will need a map/itinerary provided to me so I may give this to Transit so the drivers can be familiar with the route prior to the event. Who can provide this to me? (Not needed today but soon.)
Also, our current booking is for 5 buses (185 seats). I've asked them to quote for both 5 and 6 buses in case we need to increase our capacity. (Will be determined once we finalize this Saturday a procedure to track attendance for the bus tour.) Transit indicated that moving up from 5 to 6 buses would not be a problem if we need to.
Budget: A deposit has not been paid for this booking and Transit confirmed to me that one is not needed. They just bill after the event.
Finally, Transit indicated that since this is a conference we may be eligible for a grant that would provide us a discount. He's going to send me the info on it to see if we qualify. Fingers crossed on this one.
Thanks, Amber
Amber Ostermann Communications Specialist Faculty of Arts University of Manitoba 204-480-1498